ModMyiFone Source

We’ve added a new source to our sources page and you can trust this one. ModMyiFone has published their own source at Just add it to your Sources in So far they have the following apps: iSnake, iPhoneSynth, Metronome and iToggle. There are also starting to add Summerboard themes. We’ve testing the summerboard theme and all the apps but iToggle and they are all working well with 1.1.1. Careful, you will get addicted to iSnake!

ModMyiFone Source ModMyiFone Source ModMyiFone Source

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  1. Dear Sir
    I added your modmyifone to my source list and my iphone 1.1.2 insist to add it as untitled source
    Can you help

  2. Do you have the newest version of Community Sources…it will add it automatically. If not, I would try manually refreshing your sources again…sometimes it takes a refresh or two for it to show up. Also, make sure you have it spelled exactly correctly!! Other than that is you add this url – – it should work!

  3. Hi, I added MMI source to my iphone, and it appeared under the source category of community sources, however, the source icon has a ‘lock’ on it and it does not appear under the Categories.

  4. why do i always get the message: “transferred partial file”, “could not open application” and , “unable to decode…” what did i miss? please help.