Mahjong 0.8

Mahjong Version 0.8 of Mahjong brings a few new options to the Settings including; Tileset…where you can choose a different themes for the tiles however as of now there is only one option, Shuffle board which will shuffle the titles on the board…you get a pop-up when you choose it that says it is kind of like cheating are you sure you want to do it :) (see the screenshots below) and This game is worth it which is a donate button. Another change is that when you select a piece it no longer puts a blue outline on it instead, it puts little red lines through the piece. I have also noticed that the zooming in and out is different….it keep the game in the right corner of the screen as you zoom in/out…which is cool. But, it also seems like I cannot move the board as freely anymore…it acts kind of weird…almost like it is interfering with the new zooming. Other than that…the game still plays like normal! Mahjong is available through the BigBoss source. Below are the screenshots.

Mahjong 0.8 Mahjong 0.8 Mahjong 0.8 Mahjong 0.8 Mahjong 0.8 Mahjong 0.8

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  1. likwidfuzion says

    The movement of the screen is now restricted I think. It won’t let you pass the “borders” for lack of a better word. I prefer it this way though so no complaints here.

    The only thing I don’t really like about this version is the “selection.” Before, it was a red outline on the piece. Now, the selection are slashes on the piece so it’s harder to see IMO.

  2. generator says

    Yeah, the selection makes it a bit harder to see. And is it me, or are the tiles more difficult to select?

    BTW: you’ve missed the greatest improvement: HORIZONTAL VIEW

    • Seriously!! I didn’t even think to try that! Sweet action! Oh my goodness you are sooo right it does do horizontal view now!!

  3. Hey guys, do you have any more tiles for mahjong? It’s a great game but the tiles are kind of lousy.. I used to play this game on a touch machine, it was called shanghai and the tiles were perfect..!! Do you know anything about changing the tiles?!