Customize Working on 1.1.4

I tried to install Customize 1.21 from Installer today and it gave me a warning that it was only compatible with 1.1.1 – 1.1.3. I did a search on and found this article on how to install Customize on 1.1.4. Here is how I did it on a PC:

1. Download the modified version of Customize by Skylar – download here

2. Extract the zip file and copy the Customize folder into your Applications folder on your iPhone via SSH

3. Then run the following commands via terminal (change the folder structure if you’ve using BossTool):

/bin/chmod -R 755 /Applications/
/bin/chmod +s /Applications/

4. Restart iPhone.

Remember you will need to open Customize a few time before it will work properly.

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  1. I’ve got cutomize working on my 1.1.4 phone. I simply used the 1.1.4 compatiability patch available on ispazio, and then installed Skylar’s modified version of 1.2.1 customize. Been working perfectly, and no need to download to computer and SSH. I also installed Skylar’s 1.1.3 iphone carrier image patch as well.

  2. As always, if you don’t want to restart Customize a bunch of times for it work, run this list command in SSH:


    The app will do its thing, you’ll get lots of lovely output, and once it’s done, press Ctrl+C to close the app. From now on, Customize will open each time you try to open it.

    Also, you don’t really need the version I modded, as the standard Customize 1.22 (available on SpicyChicken’s googlecode page) works just fine.

    • What is the source format for SpiceyChickens googlecode page. I dont see it on the source page.


    • It isn’t an installer source. You have to manually download it from here:

    • EvePineda02 says

      Thanks so much I have been tring to get this app to work on my phone for the longest and now it does… can’t what to try it out… yeah!!!!!

    • EvePineda02 says

      Okay I got the app to work but now I can get any of the downloaded to work can you let me know if there was anything eles that I need to download in order for it to work with my iphone. Thanks a Bunch.

  3. I’m on a pc and I don’t use winscp I use core ftp how do I do the terminal commands I know chmod 755 is setting permssions and I can do that with core ftp but how do I do chmod s and what does it do?

  4. I’m on 1.1.4. I am unable to login to terminal. I tried user:root, pw:alpine. incorrect…

  5. sorry found the solution from hackint0sh.

    Install MobileTerminal
    Install BSD Subsystem 2.0 Termfix (v1.10) installed from Tweaks,
    And the SUID Lib Fix (v1.0) installed from Tweaks (1.1.3)

  6. hello, i put customize via SSH and the command :
    “customize in 0755” but i dont understand how to do :
    “/bin/chmod +s /Applications/”

    Thanks for your help , for a litte french iphone

  7. can u make a video on how to do this on1.1.3 im not sure how to do this

  8. But the 5 Icon dock, is that working on 1.1.4?


  9. Can u pls make a video to do this on a windows and my iphone is a 1.1.3

    can u pls help this is a bit too confusing

  10. I just upgraded a 1.1.2 8GB Touch to 1.1.4 (restore to 1.1.4, then used Ziphone).
    I reinstalled all the “usuall suspects” (like BSD, SSH..), then started looking for a way to use Customize.
    Installed the iSpazio patch, then the regular Customize, and it all works just fine (so far)!
    I don’t seem to be able to get into the Pod via SSH anymore (previously fine on 1.1.2) with root/alpine (and yes, WiFi and SSH are on), is there anything changed? I always get “error or timeout”..

    • u’ve got to clear ur history on the program ur using on ur computer to SSH……. it is trying to read ur old firmware… email me if ur not understanding….

    • Hi jenner,
      you were correct, I tried again today and some alert came up about something having changed, I clicked ok to accept the changes and now it works just like before! way cool, thx!
      Didn’t know CuteFTP kept a cache of the QuickConnects..

      And: like for the others, changes made to icons, or newly installed icon packs do not seem to show up?!

    • scott endicott says

      If your using WinSCP you have to go into connection, and change the server response timeout from 15 seconds to 45 that you take care of the problem

  11. I already installed this customize version, working properly.

    Thank you.

  12. i got it to work also…but removed it because it really didnt seem to give me anything i couldnt do already………anyone can tell me what im missing here?

    I use winscp to make my own stuff

  13. hi, guys i have the program installed and dock background and icon display order. i want to get like 5 icon on my dock. and how do i make that happen? thanks

    • The only way we have found to get the five icon dock back is through the Caterpillar app.

    • or you could download freeboard from installer. after you download it. you first turn on freeboard, then turn on the five icon dock. but when you want to turn off the five icon dock. REMEMBER to remove the fifth icon. or else your itouch/iphone will get screwed.

    • oh yeah sorry, freeboard isn’t really an app. you can access it through customize.

  14. is this SSH very hard to do? i follow every step and i can’t connet my iphone with the computer… is there’s something else that i shoud know??? sombody help please!!!

  15. i got customize to work on my iphone somewhat. i got it to load correctly every time, but when i make a change nothing happens. could you help me please?!

  16. I did everything, customize comes up and I changed my slider in customize. When I go to see the slider it does not change it. What is going on?

  17. well i have a even faster better way to add the customized button on your iphone ver 1.1.4 fast and easy and no computer needed so everybody just read and pay attention very simple so what you have to do if you dont have it yet easiest way to get every source on your iphone go to sources edit add and put let it do its thing and then go to folders and scrool down to sources and click on it then add the one that says isntalls 94+ sources etc.. ones its done refreshing go to folders again and go to tweaks 1.1.4 and install compability patch 1.1.3 ones its done go back to folders and go to all packages and scoll to customizedyour gonna install the 1st one ther will be 3 customized options to install from so your gonna end up with customized version 1.21 then its gonna reset your springbored and your customized button should be on your dock so there you go it sounds complicated but it really is not also one thing i forgot to mention ones you click on the customized button it will not work imiedtly so you have to like tap the screen several times but it will work eventually trust me so ther you go try it and be satisfied as i was

    • i’ve tried all the above commented stuff. your process was the only one that worked perfectly for me..thanks! Now if i can only get the dock images to show..i’d be set ! :)

    • Ghettoflyslickster says

      Will this work in an ipod touch 1.1.4/

  18. hi every one
    I want to thank every one who is posting any helpfull solution 4 installing custumize app on 1.1.4 firmware
    I’m a new user of iPhone though I followed the steps as mentioned and I managed to install the customize app but its not starting it keeps closing by itself…
    I don’t know what is ssh is!
    Can anybody help me and does it has anything to do with fixing the problem ?? Please can anyone help me???

  19. i got customize to work on my iphone somewhat. i got it to load correctly every time, but when i make a change nothing happens. could you help me please?!

    • miken65 same thing with me. it looks like everythings working on the app and springboard resets when you leave app but nothing you changed, well changes. (im on 1.1.4 firmware)

  20. As Douglas says.
    3. Then run the following commands via terminal (change the folder structure if you’ve using BossTool):

    /bin/chmod -R 755 /Applications/
    /bin/chmod +s /Applications/

    how can I run those commands u’ve set there?

  21. I like several others on here have got customize onto my iphone but there is nothing in a lot of the folders, ie battery etc.
    When I make changes to my icons nothing happens.

  22. I had the modded customize which was working fine on my 1.1.3 iPhone except for the dock image. I deleted the and put the 1.22 Customize from the Google code, now I can run Customize but changes don’t stick. I guess I will refer back to the modded version. Is there a way to manually fix the dock issue? I am using BossTool, could you tell me what you mean by “change the folder structure if you’ve using BossTool” ? Thanks in advance :)

  23. I changed it back to my previous, and now I can’t get any changes to work still… weird… all the files are 755 for customize and all the extra images are in the right place (/private/var/mobile/Library/Customize) and have the right permissions. Will continue to try to fix this and if I do, I will post it here as I believe many people are having the same issue…

  24. OK, I got it back to how it was… Downloaded the file from this post:
    I did not want to replace the that was included with the package, since some people hung at the apple logo. But do make sure that your folder has 755 permissions. Still searching for a fix on the dock issue for the 1.1.3 iphone’s…

  25. How do you run terminal on PC? Or are you supposed to run terminal on iPod touch?

  26. how thought? how do you run terminal though Winscp

    • Once you have WinSCP all set up…just hit ctl+t on your keyboard or the terminal or the little black box icon at the top of WinSCP. If you need instructions on how to set up SSH and WinSCP…click HERE.

  27. Thanks!

  28. once you’ve installed customize, how do you get different settings? (ie. different slider icons, different battery icons…etc)?

  29. seanjohn2k says

    i installed customize and can change some of the images, however there isn’t the option for carrier image anymore which i know it used to have because i never used to have that dumb ATT logo on top… how do i change it to something better

  30. Yellowmenace says

    I use “Make It Mine” Available in installer.

  31. anyone have any idea how to fix the “dock not showing” issue?

  32. i still need help

  33. FOR ANYONE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH CUSTOMIZE 1.1.4 WATCH THIS VIDEO, 1 download from installer is all it takes, just posted yesterday…..

  34. Mike, I have tried that method before and it does work… sorta, but again you can not modify the number of icons in the dock.

    If any one knows of a method that would allow for 5 icons please let me know.

  35. That YouTube link from Mike is the first thing that got my Customize to actually customize. I got it to run but doing as that YouTube video directed allowed me to actually change things.

  36. what source do you use to download stuff for customize?

  37. Braden Herring says

    I would just like to inform everyone that Customize 2.0 is available at
    It’s been totally redone using the iPhone SDK.
    I’ve tested it out, and it works flawlessly. I haven’t had problem with it at all.

    Just go to and sign up on the site.
    There are tons of themes available now.

    BTW, the themes available for Customize in the will not be compatible with Customize 2.0. Although, most of the themes have been ported over to 2.0

    Go check it out.

  38. Braden Herring says

    Customize does not do very well over EDGE.
    It works, but is very slow.

  39. i downloaded customize 2.0 but none of the themes seem to work any help?

  40. umm yeah, i don´t understand the third instruction …!! how do you run commands via terminal? can somebody help me??

  41. I have 1.1.3 unlocked with ziphone the latest one. but i cant get any of my changes in customize to work, i make them thne exit and everything is just normal. Anyone else have this problem and/or know how to fix it? any help is greatly appreciated

  42. what is the mooded ustomze? anyn pls …

  43. i installed customized on my 1.1.4 iphone over installer through ispazio 1.1.3 patch for 1.1.4 and it installed just fine and i was able to download some images, but when i click on the images to apply them they done show up and everything looks normal. can any one help me?

  44. hey who can help me i have a problem i dont know how to run comands by boss tool please send me a mail tanks

  45. I got customize it enters and does not display anything it just saysversion 1.22 what do I do

  46. i already installed the app but when i open it nothing happens
    only the image of the chicken throwing fire.

  47. Hi,
    I am using firmware 1.1.3. Initially customize was crashing as soon as I was trying to open the application. After applying the patch, it is working. In other words, it will not crash anymore. However, changes are not getting reflected. Is there any way to make it up and running? I have not used ssh I can try that as well. But the problem is not with the installation now, problem is “changes are not getting reflected”. Please help.

  48. Justin Roper says

    The only ones that work for me are the one that show the “backup” image as the one I currently have. I can then switch to other ones and back again.

    If my current image is not shown in the “backup” slot, then the changes don’t seem to take effect.

  49. where i have to put the commands

  50. if you cant find 1.1.4 compatibility patch in the tweaks 1.1.4 folder, just look under the all packages folder. i had the same problem with it not showing up in the tweaks folder but it was in the all packages one