Respring 1.0

Respring Respring is similar to KillBoard, Restart and the other Respring…it restarts your SpringBoard with one tap. The cool thing about this one though, is that on firmware 1.1.3 and higher it will restart your SpringBoard without locking it! Though, it works to restart your SpringBoard on any firmware. This Respring (which I am calling RespringBB on our site) is available through the BigBoss source.

Note: You can only have one of the apps titled Respring Installed because they will write over the top of each other.

respringbb1.0(3) RespringBB 1.0 respringbb1.0(3)

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  1. Da187suspect says

    Hi Brooke, is there any difference between Respring and Doug’s Restart?

  2. Da187suspect says

    One more thing Brooke, can I donate to AppleiPhoneSchool’s site?