Well guys, all I can tell you about this update is that there were, “Lots of bug fixes.” I know quite a few of you are having issues with Customize opening and then closing back to the SpringBoard. I never had that issue so, I can’t tell you for sure if this update fixes it or not. If you were having that issue, let me know in the comments if it fixes it for you!! Customize is available through the Ste Packaging source.
Customize 2.0.0B10
May 19, 2008 by
Does’t works for me :(
does this work with 1.1.4?
I /did/ have the problem, but the fix shown in this video sorted the crashing for me
Thanks, this worked for me! Basically you install SUID Lib Fix 1.0 from Installer.
thanks very much, this worked for me!!
It still closes after I open it!
I just updated “Customized” it works fine, but a little slow whenever I tap the actual command. I am using v1.1.4. Installed the SUID Lib fix 1.0
Overall I like the Installer community. Apple apps are gonna have to blow Installer out of the water for me switch back to the Dark side of the force. I will give it several weeks, maybe months before I decide.
If your customize crash… change the permissions of customize to 0755…Mine was 4755 and it didnt work…but now it works :)
I have been encountering an issue with updating customize recently, if anyone can offer advice i’d appreciate it! In the installer app, for the last two updates of customize, when i choose to update it installer will do the usual “downloading… unpacking… cleaning up… Etc.” Then i will exit installer restart the iphone and the same update appears in installer. Anyone else ever experience this? Find a solution? Any input is greatly appreciated…
This happens with all applications when two different sources have the same application on them. No biggie; just try to ignore it. It is a bit irritating though. Hey, by any chance are you Cuban? I see it in the name.
I think that happens when you have two or more sources in installer hosting the same application I.e. Customize
Correct, it happens to me all the time. Two different sources have the same application basically. Nothing to worry about; just ignore it.
I there, if I go to Themes (Customize) I have only 3 to install, where I can install more themes??
Thank you so much
For these Customize 2.0 betas, you download the file sets and themes straight off the application. Go to http://www.customizeapp.com and read the faq there; it will probably answer most of your questions. It’s pretty straight forward really.
not working on ipod touch 1.1.4
Finally works for me…
still doesn’t work for me..=\
The only problem i am experiencing is that, when i go to Theme Manager to check if any of my themes have updated, not all of the themes i have downloaded show up there at times. Am I the only one with this issue?
how can i make it work on me? i’m using v1.1.4.. tnx!
Modded Customize 1.22
Recently I found an update of Customize in installer after updating to the Customize 2.0.0B10.
It’s not been mentioned here, so I thought I’d share it.
Anyways, here’s the description:
Name Custoize-Modded 1.22
Version 4.1
Size 651.6 KB
Contact Danimator
My modded version of Customize for 1.1.3 or 1.1.4 Based on Spicychicken’s 1.22 and Skylar’s 1.2.1-2 versions.
Source iAppCat.com Compilation
I do not know if it works for those who can’t use Customize 2.0.0B10, maybe you guys can give it a try and feedback.
Pls try at your own risk ya… Personally, Customize 2.0.0B10 works for me, so I haven’t got the balls to try this one…
I used RepoName and it says:
PS: I’ve got too many sources… lol…
Not working in my iPhone with 1.1.4
Open and Close Error.
Andy i have the same problem, before i had 7 themes but mow my customize only shows 3, and when it doesnt show the new themes list, sometimes when i open customize it says “files not found” … I tryed uninstalling and reinstalling it (ver 2.00 b10) but it still didnt fix the problems… HELP anyone!!!!….,,,, Seems like the first beta of customize 2.0 worked better for me, but its not in installer anymore..
stickers theme = sooooo good!!!!!
I need to know how to get a Lock screen Wallpaper removed from my phone. This kind of wallpaper does not allow me to change to any other wallpaper. There has got to be someway to remove it through customize. Please help!!! It’s really annoying!!!!