Upgrade to iPhone 3G for free if you purchased your iPhone after May 27th!

iPhone 3GAccording to Gizmodo….it has been confirmed that AT&T is going to allow customers who purchased an iPhone after May 27th to upgrade from the iPhone to the iPhone 3G for no extra cost. Which is pretty cool! As for the rest of us, we will have to sign a new 2-year contract in order to get our iPhone 3G’s!

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  1. and as for the touch? Lol

  2. Ok, maybe I just don’t know how much the 2G iphone costs, but wouldn’t that be a net loss. Don’t get me wrong I think that is cool of AT&T so some customers won’t have to pay again for the 3G iphone, but if I am right and the 2G iphone costs more then the 3G iphone, is AT&T doing anything to compensate for the extra cost of the 2G iphone?

  3. can u trade in your old iphone that was purchased way before may 27? that would be really cool, a like 50 or 100 dollar discount for older trade in iPhones.

  4. how about those people brought the phone before may 27 and have the contract with ATT, do they have to restart their contract all over again?

    • Call AT&T why not shouldnt they know…

    • Yes, you will have to sign another 2 year contract. However, it will not add two years to your existing contract (making it 3 years) it will just be a new 2 year contract.

  5. So wait, if you sign a 2 year contract the 3G iPhone upgrade is free for everyone?

    • Nope, only people who bought their iPhones after May 27th. The rest of us will pay $199 or $299 with a 2-year contract.

  6. i got mine on the 24th that freaking sucks

  7. SeijinZero says

    I just was watching G4, and they said that current iPhone customers who wish to upgrade can still keep their $20 rate for 3G!? Have you heard anything about this?

    • actaually at&t told me that it would bne 30 instead of the 20 dollars i am paying now which it was true.

  8. Still confused so how much do I have to pay if I wish to upgrade my 2G to 3G I ha e my iPhone for awhile now

  9. i have an iphone but i don’t have att&t yet…….lol
    i am from greece……can i take the new or they will ask me to do a 2 yaars sign in?

  10. I heard will get a full refund of the original purchase minus a 10%restocking fee wich is 54 dollars and u will be able to purchase the iPhone 3g at the new low price I just hope I’m their in time get mine becuase if their sold put ur out of luck u have to do this before august 1st

  11. browncarpet says

    That is pretty lame. The first-gen 8GB iPhone sold for $399. Now AT&T will “upgrade” their $399 purchase with a $199 device? The whole “no additional cost” thing is ridiculous. They should give them the new 3G and half the difference in cost (~$100) or give them more storage (16GB). They knew the new phone was coming out and still sold the phone for $400. That’s plain wrong. And of course they want people to upgrade (or trade under the guise of upgrade) because they will be getting an additional $10/month for the data plan. Way to treat your customers and first-gen guinea pigs!

  12. Sortilege says

    Ok. I have a jailbroken 8g 1st gen i-phone on the T-Mobile network. The new 3g phone will still be able to be used on that network???
    Also the GPS capabilities in the 3g i-phone, is that carrier dependant? Or can i still use it on t-mobile? How does the GPS feature operate basically.

  13. Phil, Washington, DC says

    GREAT!! I’ll just use my stimulus check from the Prez and have change left over for new accessories! Then I’ll catch the bus because I will be out of money for the $4.19 gal gas it takes to operate my car. I love this country. I can stimulate the economy and get the excerise I need by walking. Oh yea, I can track where I am walking with the 3G GPS Google map!! I can’t wait….thanks Steve Jobs..Now you Dev’s better get to crackin’ on the hackin’. The appstore and Installer, now that’s power!!

  14. what happens if you got it on the 27th. Do you think they would allow the upgrade. Its only a couple hour difference