From the blog of Kevin Rose comes rumors about future iPod including the iPod Touch. Here’s the rumors:
– Revamp of entire iPod line.
– Small cosmetic changes to Touch, Nano to see significant redesign (see pic below).
– iPods to see fairly large price drops to distance itself from the $199 iPhone.
– iPod touch 2.1 software, iPhone to get update very soon after.
– iTunes 8.0 (“it’s a big update w/new features”).
– All of this coming in the next 2-3 weeks.
I was hoping for some GPS, microphone, speakers, camera… something! There is a sweet pic of the iPod Nano so we’ll give you that. If you know of any other rumors about the iPod Touch, let us know!

that looks so cool. I’m totally going to get the new iPod touch.
I read that the touch is going to have a camera but anyone could have written it
yeah i’m definitley going to get the new touch in fact heres a picture of it just copy and paste the adress bar.
That Nano looks absolutely horrible.
I agree. it isn’t even Apple’s style of design so it must (and let’s hope) be fake.
Baha! Your right, it does look horrible. I was blown away when Apple ruined their design reputation with the last nano but cmon, Apple isn’t THAT dumb lol.
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lol that didnt work out right
epic phail
That must be fake. No way they would use a round screen.
First of all, im going to call bull on that picture of the nano. It looks completely horrible. Second my predictions for the Touch are that its probably going to have a plastic back or a solid structure all around like the old nanos (the chrome scratches horribly), that its going to come in different colors (white especially), and that its going to come in higher capacities with a thicker body. If were lucky a camera, but I dont think Apple is going to blow their wad on the iPod too much because its going to drop its iPhone sales.
that was a glossy printable piece of paper that was someones mock up of a future ipod….came out about a year and a half ago…if you look at the top its almost obvious that its a piece of paper
Yea… it’s paper. I dont think this is real at all.
Why would Apple, be “smart” enough to produce a non-touch screen interface, which is already VERY successful, and make it back to their roots?
If I were in Apple’s shoes, although the iPod Touch is very costly (compared to the non-touch iPods), it is still very sellable and useful. It’s the only iPod that supports wifi (correct me if I’m wrong), and it’s a great music+internet device.
What more do you want in an iPod? Just a music player? I guess if they are releasing this new iPod, they are just targeting the low-mid market group, as they cannot afford the iPod Touch.
Just my thought.
That was the iPod nano
“Nano to see significant redesign (see pic below”
Read the article again….
What the with the iPod Touch! What’s good with the iPod Classic? I’m tryin’ to get my heads on one, but I’m not willin’ to pay $349.99 for the 160GB. They need to go on and drop the price on that sucker while they are at it!!!
I sure hope that nano is a fake. It looks like a remote. But since I’m and iPhone owner I can care less. But I’m still excited to see what’s coming.
That nano is 100% fake. But Id really like to see what the touch turns into.
I hope firmware 2.1 has push notification for iPhone!
Sorry if double post, Ipod touch 2.0 has speakers and flash support
that was a looong time ago because the already added ability to add calander events and notes (last january) and flash is pretty much ruled out
Bull crap.
Look at the picture, it’s too fuzzy to be considered proof. We’ve all heard rumors like this before.
GPS wouldnt make sense without Edge, where do you want to get those maps?
hey i actually think da nano isnt bad…its most prob fake because it already has a nice screen…but u never knw mayb apple made it a shuffle and tiny…. :P never knw!
Thats possible the ugliest iPod ever made
I don’t think that is what the nano is going to look like. How could you watch a video on it since everything is widescreen, unless you turn it sidewides.
Also, I wonder if it is possible for apple to abolish the ability to jailbreak on the new ipod touch and firmware?!
Looks like a cardboard mock up to me. Someone’s doing some leg pulling.
What would make great for the iPod Touch is this, add camera and speakers. Keep all the present features, and add camera and speakers. That is it! The only thing that would separate it from the iPhone is a SIM card and cell network. But can you image all the cool stuff you could do with the iPod Touch with the additional features? I think it would make up for the price. But then again, I am already an iPhone 3G owner. So all I care about is firmware updates. Now where is my 2.1 firmware Apple?!
Did No one read my post!?!
@ Tyler
I read your post and whoever started the thread wasn’t writing about an “actual” event. We still don’t know what features the Touch will have and it is fun to speculate. I suggest you click on your own link and check it out for yourself.
I did.
Tyler, read your own link and look at the date on it. It’s almost a year old.
to ben: i think thats just another computer synthesized image, it couldnt be the new touch cause kevin said on his blog minor cosmetic changes so im not sure if that would really be it. but internal speakers and flash support would be amazing in an ipod.
i also think the nano is a piece of crap. its basically the sore nose of apple in how it just keeps getting uglier and has more features that can be put on a better ipod.
but i should have waited cause now im dying to get rid of my 32gb touch to get the new one.
I personally think that GPS, microphone, speakers, camera function will not be added .. simply because if you add these function to an iPod .. it will become an iPhone … TT
good point… but in order for it to become an iphone it also needs to have the “phone” part of it to hook up to a wireless provider…
I just hope for adobe to come out with flash support SOON.
Sorry, meant to post this link:
@Tyler That second link is also speculative and is nearly a year old. There is no real proof, or else everyone would know about it.
i don’t understand why you are wanting a cam in the itouch, I mean you can get 10mp cams for 200 bucks today, so why would I need a 3 mp one in my iPod? =/ I think that speakers would fit much more into the iPod idea.
this song rocks zo much cuz itz zo cool
i love this song is one of my fav songs this songs relax me an inspear me..i cant wait to meet them!!!they are the best in the west
i love this song!! it is so awsome!!