2.0 Update Preview

Available In: App Store       Price: Free  

Watch “ 2.0” from your iPhone or iPod Touch

This app update will be available soon in the App Store.

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  1. This app looks really great, but does it have local fm stations too?

  2. video wallpapers for winterboard after a winterboard update

  3. @jeff: doesn’t do local radio stations. That would also require a hardware change on the touch or iphone I assume. There are several apps that do stream online radio, such as, Tuner, AOL Radio, All Radio, etc. If your local stations also stream online, then you might be able to find them with those apps. Cheers!

  4. This app is not avalaible in Italy. :(
    And without scrobbling I don’t find it very useful… :(

  5. does it scrobble?

  6. It doesn’t.
    Apple doesn’t allow applications to work in background.

  7. ummm… there’s NO mention of this on the blog and that vudeo shows EXACTLY what the current version does.
    hey guys: if you want to scrobble from your iPhone/iPod, install Scrobbled, or if it doesn’t work after a reboot, install Scrobble.
    Both are available from Cydia ;)