Stereo’s Leopard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard This is currently my favorite theme in Cydia! It’s called Stereo’s Leopard, and it was a theme I immediately remembered from Customize 2.0 back on 1.1.4. The one thing I love about this theme are the large (literally), and big amount of icons it has. It skinned about 50% of my icons, and has app themes too. Like MobileMusicPlayer (pictured below) for instance: usually, you would see a frozen screenshot of it for about 2 seconds, then would be able to use it. Those 2 seconds are when the app loads. So what this theme does is replaces the screenshot of those 2 seconds with a proper “loading” screen. Wow that was a mouthful! This feature is the same for all the base apps except SMS & Calculator apps (I have no idea why, lol). If you like complete themes, this is pretty much the most complete theme out there, so go install it!

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  1. I like it but Leaf is better!! I have all my icons about 50 with a Leaf icon!!!

  2. its a great theme just get rid of the loading screens and if i remember correctly there is a terrible huge X slider

  3. there is no slider. Loading screens can be removed.

  4. Hey im dying to see stereo leopard in the black version…i used to have that back when i had my first generation iphone on 1.1.4
    i simply SSH’d it into summerboard, not sure if i can do that with my 3g and winterboard, someone please put it on cydia!!

  5. that theme is completely tasteless.. Why would you want such a in-your-face splash screen?

  6. Esta pagina es una…
    No sirve para nada..! Para que dicen que hay temas si no los hay! Por dioxx..!