SoccerGuide 0.1

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

SoccerGuide Looks like we didn’t have to wait very long! Over the week-end SoccerGuide was released. It looks to be pretty much the same as the preview screenshots. The application opens to a screen where you can pick from two leagues (Germany; Bundesliga and England; Premier League). Once you have selected a league you get the options to view Live Scores, New, Table, Results, Fixtures, Clubs, Credits and the ability to go back to the League screen. It looks as if the scores are brought to you via ScoresPro. They do not fit correctly in portrait mode but if you tip your iPhone to landscape mode it fits fine.

You can choose to view News via or BBC Sport. I do like that you can view the full news right in the application. The Table option will give you the overall team rakes based on total points. Results will give you match results. Fixtures will give you a list of matches and start times (I think) based on Month. The last option Clubs brings up a list of clubs and if you select one, you will get information such as when it was founded, it’s nickname, capacity, manager, general info and league history.

The application seems to run smoothly though, it did crash once or twice on me. Other than that, like their other applications, a very informative app if you are a soccer lover!

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  1. this would be a good product if it had more leagues like Portuguese, spanish, Italian, and many more.

  2. haven’t we got enough of these apps which are about the same? myfootball, ifutbol etc..?