Available In: Cydia | Price: Free |
There is an update to SBSettings today. If you remember my initial review of SBSettings, you will remember that this application is pretty much supposed to be a BossPrefs replacement app. Well, I actually use SBSettings quite often and thought that the update was worth writing about. The “coolest” part of the update is that SBSettings is now themable! It now comes with the stock theme and two additional themes (HUD and Tech Shadow). You can get to the themes through the More option. I also noticed that there were quite a few additional mods for SBSettings in Cydia (which I just might have to do a post about).
Another new feature which I really like is that you can now select the Home Button to close the SBSettings window. I don’t know if it was just me but, I had a hard time closing the app using the little x. It always took like five tries before it would close. This feature is actually really nicely implemented…you can even use the Home Button to close SBSettings while it is open in another application. So lets say you are in your Notes app and you open SBSettings, you can select the Home Button and the SBSettings window will close but your Notes app will stay open.
Another new features is a brightness toggle. This features is also very well implemented into the application. I personally love this feature…it is soooo much faster than going all the way into your Settings to adjust your brightness! The update to version 1.0.1 also disables the SBSettings application while on your lock screen….which is an understandable change.
Overall, this application is well built and easy to use. Though, I am interested to know if everyone has finally switched over to using SBSetting exclusively or if you guys are still using both SBSettings and BossPrefs.
Brooke, there’s an old adage that says, “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” What’s wrong with Bossprefs anyway to merit a change? The ability to switch on/off settings on the fly? Not so groundbreaking in my opinion!
Bossprefs FTW!
i have switched to SBsettings Completely since they have built in the one thing that kept me from switching from bossprefs: the dock, now that its enabled i just uninstalled bossprefs and i am relying in SBsettings 100% now! yay! bye bossprefs it was nice having it but it’s time for a change thanks for it’s help in the past but it’s time to say bye bossprefs and hello SBsettings, am i right?
i fully switched
me too
once they implement the auto lock toggle i will have no use for the bossprefs app itself.
Same here. Auto lock toggle is a great feature when I listen to music in my car
I am still using BoosPrefs due to I like the airplane toggle and the email toggle;
I think it’s really useful.
Also to actually get it on your lockscreen is easy. Open it on your springboard then click the power button. click the power button again to go to your lockscreen and it will be there!
i use sbsettings now its so much easier to acces than bossprefs
I primarily use SBS for WiFi, SSH and Bluetooth toggle. It is nice to know it’s quick and easy to get to. I sitll have BossPrefs installed, but haven’t used it since SBS came out.
I did uninstall WiFiToggle and BTToggle though as they are no longer needed.
Thanks for the heads up on the home button close as I have had a hard time hitting the little X to close it sometimes too and hadn’t tried it!
i completely switch to SBS after i read your last post about it. now i just wish that they will have a toggle for enable auto lock.
Maybe I’ll jump to the SBS bandwagon when the Auto-correct feature is included. Or is it there now?
Just a word : why SBSettings is CRASHING app like FourTracks ?????
i completely switched!
Well I still have both on my fw2.1, 2g phone, but I have taken BossPref out of my Stacker stack though.
I am wondering though what Dock Applications does???
I set a few apps to on thought that they would appear somewhere within the SB Settings screen, but none of them have appeared anywhere.
Anyone know where they are supposed to show?
Duh forget it I found it: you have to tap on the dock button to get it to appear.
Really good application with tons of potential but the battery consumption is now huge!!!!!!!!!!!!Any thing that can be done with this matter?
Is that what is draining my battery…I have been trying to figure that our for days!!! I don’t know but something is massively draining my battery like I can watch the percentage go down!! I will have to check that out.
did you know that when u use the brightness toggle slider in SbSettings,the slider in settings DOES NOT move!!! Help me email bigboss to report pls!!
How do you activate this SBSetting? What do I look for in the More sections of BossPerf?
I really enjoy that app, but i’m also really impatient to get the Auto-Lock Toogle on it.
Did anybody try to add a toogle from BigBossPrefs app ?
Hey I would love an autolock toggle but the developers say that doing so would require you to respring your phone when you install it, I was wondering why they are against this, I wouldn’t mind.