Smiley Dot Mod

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard You do not see a lot of these kind of mods. What this mod does is change the dots on your SpringBoard (this ones that represent your pages). It changes them from dots to a smiley faces. The current page you are on will be a smiley (:)) while the other pages display as a (:|) serious face. There are four colors to choose from as of now; Pink, Blue, Orange and Green. The name of the mods are Pink Smiley Page Dots, Green Smiley Page Dots..etc (via BigBoss). You will need to activate this mod through WinterBoard. Screenshots below.

Note: When I was testing all of the colors, it seems that the Blue Smiley Page Dots are actually green and the Green Smiley Page Dots are blue…so, they are a little mixed up. Also, the Orange do not seem to work. The Pink one works fine. Hopefully we see some updates soon!

Side Note: It would be fun to see some more of these kinds of mods that change the dots to little images. Like, snowflakes or hearts or basketballs or (another boy thing)…you get the idea! :)


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  1. seann333uk says

    i’ve made my own based on the buuf theme.. of a moon.

    i didn’t realise i was a first on a non ordinary dot look.