The Dev Team has left yet another cryptic message on their website today. It leads one to believe that we might soon be seeing a jailbreak for the 2nd generation iPod Touch. I know this has been long awaited so, we will have to wait and see what happens. As of now, the only clue we get is an abstract image on Below is the message from the Dev Team…to see the image head over to We will keep you updated on any changes.
Cryptic Message:
* Well it isn’t a British Thermonuclear Device.
* It isn’t an episode from “The Twilight Zone”
* And it certainly isn’t iPhone 3G related (right now)
* There is one other device…
* It fits in your pocket..
* What can it be?
Thanks for the tip guys!
Hey great! I all ready bought the ipod touch 1g.I waiting for the ipod touch 3g that is coming on Fall/Winter of 2009!
What is with the girl playing tic-tack-toe with the clown? I dont get the picture. Whats with the code at the top right corner, and the code in the middle of the star?
Check this site out for the girl and clown image
… and this for the code in the middle
… and the code at the top right is
“…an “escrow” hash of decrypted iBoot for ipt2g. Not otherwise obtainable except via an exploit (afaict).”
According to “MuscleNerd” from dev team site. Doesn’t make much sense to me what he said though.
Hope this helps!
I’m not sure about the clown or the stuff inside the middle of the star, but the string of text in the top-left corner looks like a hash string (like MD5, SHA1, etc)
I keep getting these results saying MuscleNerd when searching 32957a35889c4dd2f8dfe483dd9023eafb6b4a22 (code on top right hand corner
Originally Posted by Muscle Nerd
[32957a35889c4dd2f8dfe483dd9023eafb6b4a22 is a] “escrow” hash of decrypted iBoot for ipt2g (length=0x29000). Not otherwise obtainable except via an exploit (afaict).
The official news came out that redsn0w is going to be a jailbreak developed within the next few days. The Dev-Team was able to find an exploit after further reviewing the 2g and were able to get a jailbreak. The jailbreak will be released within a couple of days and will work on both firmwares.
Very surprisingly this was done even though only 2 members of the Dev-Team actually own iPods and the total time spent working on a 2g jailbreak was roughly 1-2 hours.
an article i found
The image in the center of the star looks like it’s what you’d find printed on a chip.
Hey guys. Get your left and right right. The code is in the top LEFT.
brooke and douglas legal emoji for iphone
tell me please it’s this a mistake from itunes o this is real
go to itunes and tap ‘touch dial emoji”
is working for me perfect
download fast before it’s gone like “netshare”
Apple must be really “easing up” on their app rules, not sure how this is allowed?
it still there, but im not paying 4 dollars for it, is it the equivalent of installing the emoji hack in cydia
your welcome for the tip! :)
well this has already been made official.
I’m having a problem jailbreaking, I quickpwned my iPhone 3g twice but it randomely rearranged my icons so I restored it twice but now whenever I try to re-jailbreak it the iPhone gets stuck restarting so I have to restore it. Help!