bStract Wallpaper Pack

bStract bstractabstracttealwatercolor bStract is a wallpaper pack available through the MacCiti source. It contains 10 wallpapers…I wouldn’t say that they are all necessarily abstract as the title would suggest. But, if you are looking for an easy way to get your hands on more wallpaper…check out the screenshots below to see if you like any of them. Remember, when you install wallpapers, they are added into your stock Settings application under the option Wallpaper. For those of you who are curious, wallpaper are located in the Library/Wallpaper folder on your iPhone or iPod Touch.


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  1. i rate it 6.5 out of 10

  2. Those jellybeans look poisonous.

  3. There’s just so many online sources; these tiny wallpaper packs just seem so useless.

  4. finalkazuya says

    Microsoft Office is coming to iPhone in a week…Yeeesss…