Great news for those of us who were supposed to pay $399 for the iPhone 3GS 16 GB. As of today, you may also be eligible. As you can see from the text message below, Yesterday I was not eligible, but today I am. Remember, you can call *639# on your iPhone and you will get a text message reply with eligibility info or visit AT&T’s website here. Also, here’s what the website shows me when I check eligibility:
I’m Eligible for $199 iPhone!
June 18, 2009 by
Nice!!!!!! :)
I just tried it. It works, this made my day. I will be standing on line tomorrow for a 3GS -32gb iphone
What the crack…why is Doug eligible and I’m not!! We bought our iPhone 3G’s on the same day! Maybe he is cooler than me? Maybe AT&T hates me? Maybe I will steal his upgrade!!
You’re in the same boat I’m in, I can upgrade….the wife can’t. Are you still going to pay $600 to get it anyway?
If you’re on a family talk and you’re the $9.99 line you have to wait longer because you don’t pay as much as the primary line..
They say there are no dumb questions, but I am going to give it shot with this one. My wife dropped her 3G about a week ago and completely cracked the screen. Phone still work, but it is starting to chip. Anyway she was just going to wait and upgrade today. Well like you Brooke (AT&T must have something against wives) she doesn’t qualify for the upgrade, but I do. Same thing bought our phones on the same day, bu we are completely different accounts.
Anyway, can I upgrade and just give her my phone after I hard reset it? AT&T won’t care will they? It is all a matter of swapping the SIM cards correct?
What I won’t be doing is standing in line like last year, just wait for it to come in the mail.
yeah mone says i’m eligible in Dec and i got mine the same day as u guys… this is messed up!!!! the lady at the AT&T store tld me straight up that i would get the cheaper price though so we’ll see.
I have no idea why I’m not eligible? I bought the 3G within the first week of it coming out so I should be just as early as people having the ability to update and I pay around $90/month based on my plans minutes/data/texts so if it’s about paying something for a bill I don’t get it as I’m on a single plan no family talk.
The only thing I can think of is I didn’t buy the original iPhone until around 3 months into it being out… did that + my purchase of the 3G last year bump my length up to how long it’d be for me to be eligible?
Yay! I just checked (5 seconds ago) and I am eligible for what Doug has from the 1st generation phone. It’s a good day :D
I don’t get it… I pay over $100 a month and I bought my 3G in august… why am I not eligible until january?!
Im the same as iName above. I sent Att an Email, doubt it will do much, Im a work so I cant call them and talk it out. Just dont get why mine is saying Jan?
Called ATT and they say I meet EVERY requirement for the $199 price (Over $100 per month, 12 months since i Got 3G). They said they cant understand why the website is not updating everyones status. There going to call me tomarrow and said if the site hasn’t changed by then “Will get you taken care of so you can get the 3Gs” My Account and return Text message says 1/3/10. So there still might be hope out there.
How can you be 12 months since you bought the 3g? the 3g came out in July 2008 it’s June 2008 that’s 11 months
well its 11 months actually but ATT changed there $199 Upgrade plans to include those contracts