Friday Night Movie Night: TimeLapse

YouTubeThis looks pretty sweet so I had to share it. This app lets you to timelapse photography with your iPhone. The downfall here is going to be battery life. Of course I would turn off all wireless, bluetooth, dim your screen, etc to get the best battery life when running apps like this. Check out the video to see results.


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  1. I’m sorry but you probably have seen the video only.This is a crap app with many bugs and the lack of the proper navigation is completley driving me crazy.Useless.Instead next time you could review useful applications…Didn’t mean to be rude…

    • No problem! This is a community! Thanks for the feedback. I was gonna buy it and test it out ’cause it looked kewl. Sad to hear it doesn’t work so well.

  2. Very nice, cool!


  1. […] This app lets you to timelapse photography with your iPhone. The downfall is the battery life. If you turn off your wireless, Bluetooth, dim the screen, etc., you’ll likely see better battery life when running apps like this. Read more […]