Akanaz GlassOrb – WinterBoard Theme

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Akanaz GlassOrb img_0071 Akanaz GlassOrb is a WinterBoard theme that contains 84 icons, a dock, wallpaper, statusbar, lock wallpaper, sliders, lock screen battery and other UI mods. The theme is not packaged for the 3.x firmware so in order for it to display correctly you will need to ssh into the Library/Themes/Akanaz GlassOrb/Icons folder and change the Text.png to Messages.png. You will also need to change the Ipod.png to iPod.png. After that, it should display correctly. You can get Akanaz GlassOrb via the modmyi source.

How to Install

1. Your device must be jailbroken. (how?)
2. Make sure you have WinterBoard installed via Cydia.
2. Make sure you have the modmyi source installed in Cydia.
3. Search for Akanaz GlassOrb in Cydia, run the install.
4. Open WinterBoard and activate the Akanaz GlassOrb Theme.


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  1. Cory Gillmore says

    This themes is pretty cool looking. But it willl take a heck of a theme to get me away from Glass Orb Color. Been using it for about a month now.

  2. It works on 3.x firmware. with an update. I love it!

  3. deffinatey glass orb leopard n this theme are up there for they fight… could’ve been ibrilliant also but i havn’t heard from them doing updates so no

  4. Me too I love it wish there were so more icons

  5. Crashed Cydia during the install and now won’t let Cydia run at all on my iPhone running 3.0. WTF! Any suggestions on fixing would be appreciated.