Available In: Cydia | Price: Free |
TaskList is an application that when open, gives you a list of everything that is running on your iPhone or iPod Touch. Nothing fancy, just a textual list of processes that is running. It includes all the kernel and user processes running in the background. You can get TaskList via the BigBoss source.
How can you get that email sign and the sun in your upper right corner?
The sun is part of the WeatherIcon mod in Cydia… it is the StatusBar part of the mod. Once you install the WeatherIcon mod, you go into your stock Settings application, the WeatherIcon option and turn on the StatusBar options. (make sure you install Katra Weather Icon theme in Cydia as well – that is how you get the sun).
The email notification is part of the StatusNotifier app via the SOS iPhone source. It works on the 3.0 firmware.
weathericon, in cydia.
I got weathericon but what is the option to see that sunny thing because i can only see the temperature?
And the ‘mail’ sign? What app is that?
Thx, got it :)
what theme are you using?
I’ve installed taskList from cydia but no app is showing up on springboard. Any suggestions?
I am doing something similar to this for a school project. Was just wondering if you could post your source code for me to learn. Would be really great if you could!
Thanks :)
When i try to open the app, it closes instantly. Anyone else experienced this? Vers 4.3 (though i haven’t synced in many months)