SpotSMS Update – Copy/Paste Ability, Contact Recognition Improved, More Info About SMS

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

##ICON_NAME## SpotSMS, a mod allows the stock Spotlight Search to search within your SMS (and MMS) messages, received an update not too long ago however, the newest update to version 0.3, really polishes the mod. Below are a few of the new features and a full change log.

Now when you search in the stock Spotlight search, all the SMS results display the contact’s title correctly. In the previous version, it was displaying some of the Contact’s correctly and other times it was still displaying the phone number.

Each of the SMS results now display a little arrow indicating if it was an incoming or outgoing SMS as well as the date the text was sent/received.

When you select one of the SMS results, you are now able to copy to text from the message. It also displays the time, date and who the message was received from/sent to.

The only issue I noticed with the update is that when you select a SMS result, the Close button is slightly covered. It still works it is just a little hidden. Overall, I like the update… the results definitely look a lot more polished now.

0.3 Change Log:
– Copy/Paste enabled
– Sent/Received image flags and date were added on result search.
– The contact name process recognition was improved
– More info about the message were added to detail popup view (sent/Received type, contact names and date-hour).

Coming Soon:
Settings, Internationalization messages, make a call, reply…


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