iPhone 4 Commercials – Meet Her, Haircut, Smile and Big News

Apple Today, Apple released four new iPhone 4 ads; Meet Her, Haircut, Smile and Big News. All four commercials demonstrate the FaceTime feature of the iPhone 4. Personally, I’m not a huge fan… check them out and let us know what you think.

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  1. Apple Baz says

    This website is very good•***

  2. The Digital Alchemist says

    Yeah, that’s how I’d want my GF to tell me the “good news”… not.

  3. Scott Westall says

    Leave it to Apple to have strong innovative ideas with fresh new products that don’t just help us with living our lives to a fuller potential, Apple helps us to succeed in many ways including having a great spell check on the iPhone 4. For me, spell check is a great tool. I own a successful business. I answer a lot of emails on the road. What would my emails look like if they were sent to CEO’s with misspelled words? By the way, I am sending this comment while in commute!