There was an update to version 0.0.2 on ClickOnce today. However, based on my experience with it…I would say do not install it!! It made my iPhone crash massively! After I installed ClickOnce and then closed Installer, my iPhone tried to respring (like it always does after installing an app) and it got stuck in a loop. I saw flashing white screens, scrolling white lines, and all sorts of other crazy things. I had to SSH in and delete the app. So, I would hold off for now. If you already installed it…let me know how it went for you! ClickOnce is available through the iPhoneCake source.
ClickOnce 0.0.2
April 21, 2008 by
ClickOnce 0.0.1
April 13, 2008 by
ClickOnce is an app that adds a floating Home Button to your screen. When you install ClickOnce…it automatically adds a Home Button icon on your SpringBoard (there is no app on your SpringBoard, just the Home Button icon). You can drag the Home Button anywhere on your screen. It will stay on the screen no matter what app you have open. However, I’m not really sure what the purpose of the app is. When you tap it, [Read more…]