DirectControl – Go Directly to iPod Controls in Multitasking Dock

DirectControl is a mod that allows you to go directly to the iPod controls in the multitasking dock. Normally when you double-tap the home button to bring up the multitasking dock, it brings you to the first application in the dock and you have to scroll to the left to get to the iPod controls. Well, with this mod, you are brought directly to the iPod controls and then can scroll right to see the apps. I also like that you can choose to go directly to the iPod controls all the time or only when music is playing… a nice little feature. Overall, a simple but useful mod if you use your iPod a lot. You can get DirectControl via the BigBoss source. Check out the Application Description below for more info about the app.

    • Requires iOS 4+
    • Works in conjunction with Direct Closer
    • Settings are located in the stock Setting app.
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