Doodles (simple drawing application) Upate – Version 1.1-1

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Doodles I do not normally write about updates to applications but, I was impressed with how quickly an update for Doodles was released and with the features it fixed/changed!

If you remember from my initial review of Doodles, there were a few issue with the ability to change the background once you had selected it. In the previous version of the application, if you used a photo as the background, you were unable to change it. Well, with this version, that has been fixed. You can now change the background no matter what it is. [Read more…]

Doodles – Drawing Application

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Doodles Doodles is a simple drawing application that is available in Cydia via the iSpazio source. When you first open the application you will get a white page with a lower menu bar…this is actually the main drawing page of the application. The options on the lower menu bar are (left to right); Save, Background Options, Line Options, Symmetry Options and Erase.

The Background option allows you to choose a background for your drawing. You can choose a solid color, a photo out of your Photo Albums or you can take a picture. The only issue I have with this option is that once you have selected a background, there is no way to delete it. You can change the background if you have chosen a color background but you cannot erase the background and if you set a photo as the background or taken a photo for the background you can neither change it nor erase it. You have to close the application and reopen it to start over. [Read more…]