Do you wake up to your iPhone with this message, “Not Enough Storage, This iPhone cannont be backed up because there is not enough iCloud storage available. You can manage your storage in Setting.”? In this video I can help you get rid of this message and I explain what the iCloud is and how to use it best. I’ve also made a video explaining “What is iCloud and Should I Turn it On?” Below is a step by step guide that I use in the video. I would recommend watching the video before doing the steps below so you understand what the settings mean and do. [Read more…]
What is iCloud and Should I Turn It On?
In this video I talk about iCloud. I explain what it is and why you should use it. I also give tips on how to customize your settings. [Read more…]
Restoring iWork Files Lost When Switching to iCloud
With the new option to sync my devices to iCloud instead of my computer, it sounded like a great idea. The problem was, after a couple days of being synced to the “cloud”, all my files in Keynote, Pages & Numbers disappeared on all my devices. I have my iPad, iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S all syncing and it was awesome to watch my files push in to my devices and cross sync between them the first time. When I opened Pages a few days later and all the files vanished. I was not happy. I have a couple major documents on there and I was trying to remember where I might have backed them up. I know I had emailed myself some files just incase something happened but I was having trouble finding them in my email and I know it wasn’t all my files from all devices from all three apps. [Read more…]