iCrossword has been updated to work with 1.1.3. The developer created version 0.2 of iCrossword on an iPhone running 1.1.3 (jailbroke using ZiPhone) and does not guarantee that it will work on any other version but, I am running it on 1.1.1 and it seems to be working perfectly. I can open all my previously added puzzles, use all the settings properly and add new puzzles (adding them to the var/root/Applications/Library/iCrossword/puz folder). So, if you have already installed iCrossword on an iPhone running a version other than 1.1.3 [Read more…]
iCrossword 0.2
iCrossword 0.1
iCrossword is a new app that puts crossword puzzles and the iPhone together! The app opens to a list of all the crossword files…it comes with one default puzzle. Just select the puzzle you would like to play by tapping on it…then tap Done in the upper right corner. Once your puzzle opens, you will notice two options; Down and Across. If you would like to see the list of questions for the columns…tap Down in the upper left corner. Each question has a number in front of it that corresponds with the column in the puzzle. If you would like to answer one of the questions… [Read more…]