HWPen 1.0.1 beta

I not really sure that the update to version 1.0.1 of HWPen does. I do see one visual change, the Chinese Characters on the button to switch to recognize Chinese writing look different. However, I do not notice any changes in functionality. It still seems to struggle recognizing when to capitalize a letter and when to leave it lowercase. It is also still limited in it’s recognition ability. I can get it to recognize one letter pretty well, a two letter word sometimes but still not anything longer than two letter. I must say, [Read more…]

ClickOnce 0.0.2

ClickOnce There was an update to version 0.0.2 on ClickOnce today. However, based on my experience with it…I would say do not install it!! It made my iPhone crash massively! After I installed ClickOnce and then closed Installer, my iPhone tried to respring (like it always does after installing an app) and it got stuck in a loop. I saw flashing white screens, scrolling white lines, and all sorts of other crazy things. I had to SSH in and delete the app. So, I would hold off for now. If you already installed it…let me know how it went for you! ClickOnce is available through the iPhoneCake source.

ClickOnce 0.0.2

HWPen 1.0 Beta

I saw this app in the Installer however, I put off installing it because I figured it worked only with Chinese since is was through the iPhone Cake source. Well, I was wrong! HWPen is a handwritting recoginition tool. Once you have it installed…wherever you bring up a keyboard on your iPhone, you will symbol in the lower left corner of the keyboard. If you tap on it, you will get the Handwriting Recognition “keyboard.” When the keyboard first comes up, you will get an area divided into four squares and a white space. This area is for writing symbols. Well, at least I think it is…I can’t get it to work for letters or numbers. I have found this area doesn’t work very accurately for me. However, if you tap on the blue arrow you will get a full keyboard area.
[Read more…]

ClickOnce 0.0.1

ClickOnce ClickOnce is an app that adds a floating Home Button to your screen. When you install ClickOnce…it automatically adds a Home Button icon on your SpringBoard (there is no app on your SpringBoard, just the Home Button icon). You can drag the Home Button anywhere on your screen. It will stay on the screen no matter what app you have open. However, I’m not really sure what the purpose of the app is. When you tap it, [Read more…]

P-Firewall 1.0.0

P-Firewall P-Firewall is an app that allows you to filter your calls. However, it requires two apps to be installed for it to work correctly. The first app is through the iPhone Cake source and it is the main app. To get it, go into your Installer under Install and then the iPhone Cake category. You want the app P-Firewall…though, it has some Chinese writing in front of the P-Firewall so, you have to look carefully (see screenshots below). Once that is installed…you will need to install the English Patch for it. It is available through the Fight Club source and is titled…P-Firewall English Patch. The English patch will not show up on your SpringBoard…it is just a code app that changes P-Firewall to English.

After you install the apps [Read more…]

LightsOn 1.4

LightsOn I think this app is cool! LightsOn, when you first open it, looks similar to the Blinker app but, give the screen a tap and you will see a myriad of options!! The first options (and the coolest) is the Morse Mode option. If you turn on Morse Mode…you can then enter a word into the Message blank and it will blink that word in Morse Code. Now, I have absolutely no clue how to read Morse Code so, it could totally be blinking out, “I can’t believe you fell for that!”, and I would have no idea. So, if anyone knows Morse Code…let me know! Some of the other options include, [Read more…]

TouchRoll 1.0

I have recently installed TouchRoll 1.0 from the iPhoneCake source and the iSpazo source. DO NOT INSTALL THIS APPLICATION!! I installed it first from the iPhoneCake source, and it made all my icons disappear. Then I did a restore and installed TouchRoll from the iSpazo source, same thing. I was interested, so I checked the folders inside my Ipod and found that TouchRoll was not placed in my application folder. At this point I strongly advise people not to install this application until we figure out what is happening. Also, for the record I was on firmware 1.1.1 both times I tried to install this.

UPDATE – We’ve talked to iSpazio and he has tested on 1.1.2 and 1.1.4 only and has had no problems. If you are having this problem just go here : /System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/
remove the N45AP.plist file
rename the “N45AP.plist.old” file to “N45AP.plist”
restart iPhone

WeSpot 0.38

WeSpotWeSpot is a game were you find the differences between two pictures. When you start the application you will be greeted with a screen that asks you to tilt your iPhone/Ipod into landscape mode. Once you do that, the main menu will appear. The buttons displayed on the menu are: “Continue”, “New Game”, “Setting”, and “About”. The menu is in English/Japanese Chinese but “About” is all in Japanese. In the Settings you are able to turn on/off the sound and whether or not it saves your game when you close the app. You can also change the time limit from 30, 45, 60 or 80 seconds. When you begin the game you will see two pictures that look ALMOST exactly the same. Your job is to [Read more…]

Chuzzle 1.3

Chuzzle I went into this game thinking it was going to be very similar to iZoo…well, I was wrong and now I have a hard time playing it because I’m soo addicted to iZoo and this game looks so much like it but it is played slightly differently!! The app opens to a loading page and then a page in which you need to tap Play to get into the game. From there you have five options…Classic Games which brings you to the game, Trophy Room which doesn’t do anything, HighScores which is blank, Quit and Options (I have a feeling we will see these options in future update). In the options menu to have the choice to turn on/off the sound, view the Credits which is blank and Done. Once you are ready to play…tap Classic Game. This will bring you to the play screen. The object of the game is to [Read more…]