Lockbox is a cool little app that allows you to keep confidential information on your iPhone without anyone being able to see it. You can put passwords, credit card info or really any other information in this app which can then only be viewed once a password is entered. The app opens to a screen where you will need to choose your password and confirm it. It does not hide the password with asterisks this first time when you are setting it up so, make sure no one is looking over your shoulder!! You are able to change your password from inside the app…also, after the first time you enter your password it will hide it with asterisks. Ok, once your password is set up you will get a blank main menu. To add new information…tap the New button in the upper right corner. You will then see the option to add new password info, credit card info or other info. Just select the one you would like by tapping on it. Once you have chosen…you can enter in all of the information. Just tap on the area you would like to type in and a keyboard will pop up. You will also notice an option to add tags. Tags allow you to organize your information, for example, [Read more…]