I’m totally stoked about version 2.1.2 of iBirthday!!! The app finally works!!! I’m sooooo exited! I updated to 2.1.2 thinking that I would maybe see some visual changes (there are none) and not really expecting the app to work again. I went in and changed my birthday to today…then went into the settings in the app and change it to notify me on the day of the birthday and like two minutes later so I had time to respring my iPhone. So, after I set the settings I used Restart to respring my SpringBoard and I waited…thinking I wouldn’t see anything…well, I was taken aback when [Read more…]
iBirthday 2.1.2
iBirthday 2.0.2
There have been a few updates since the last time I have done a review of iBirthday. This has always been one of my favorite apps…but, a few updates ago (version 1.2.3a) made it compatible with only version 1.1.2 and above. Well, I finally got a chance it get it on our 1.1.4 iPhone and I really like some of the “new” features!! When you open the app… [Read more…]
iBirthday 1.2.3a
I just installed the update to iBirthday 1.2.3a and after I updated the app I went to my SpringBoard to check out the new features however, when I select the app it open and then immediately closed again. So, I did the first thing I always do when something like this happens…uninstalled the app, restarted my iPhone and then reinstalled the app. After doing this, the app still did not open…so, I SSHed in and changed the permissions to writable and it STILL did not work…I’m totally bummed because I loved this app! Let me know if you are having the same issues or if it is working for you!
iBirthDay 1.2.1
iBirthDay is a really cool app that alerts you when someone in your contacts is having a Birthday. The app open to the main menu where you can; turn on/off that iBirthDay Service, set the time you would like the alert to happen, set when you would like to be alerted(anywhere from the day of the Birthday to 10 days before the Birthday) and turn on/off the SpringBoard text. If you turn the iBirthDay Service on, you will get a pop-up on your SpringBoard letting you know who’s Birthday is coming up, how many days until their Birthday and how old they are going to be. [Read more…]