QuickScroll 2 – Quickly Scroll in a Page

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

##ICON_NAME## We haven’t done a review of QuickScroll, an application that allows you to quickly scroll in a page, since it was first released. I received an email from Michel saying that QuickScroll 2 was much better than the previous version so, I thought I would take a look at it. He was right, version 2 of the app is very nice.

The mod now has quite a few Settings and options. The settings are located in the stock Settings application. In the Settings you are able to turn the scrollbar on/off, you can set the Tapping Scroll Track (so when you tap the scroll track it either goes to the next page or it jumps to the spot on the page that corresponds with the spot you tapped on the scroll track), you can set the duration of the scroll track from 1 second to 10 seconds (this is how long the scroll track displays before disappearing), you can set how you would like to activate the scroll track (single tap, two-finger tap, triple tap or scrolling – if you turn Scrolling on, the track bar will display as soon as you start scrolling in a page) and you can choose to disable the scroll track in specific applications. [Read more…]

QuickScroll Now Available in Cydia

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

QuickScroll QuickScroll is now available in Cydia. QuickScroll is an application that allows you to quickly scroll in a page. We did a pre-release review of this application a few days ago… you can see it HERE.

The app is pretty easy to use. Once installed, you hold one finger on the page and then triple tap with another finger. This will bring up the box that displays where you are on the page and allows the ability to quickly scroll to another section of the page (by dragging the green box). QuickScroll also allows scrolling in PDF’s: [Read more…]


Coming Soon: Cydia       Price: Free  

cydiaThis is a pretty neat little application. I’m not sure how much I’ll use it but I tried it out and it does what it says. It gives you a little layout of the area that’s scrollable within the current app and a green box where you are currently scrolled to. You can drag the green box around to quickly scroll to another area.

Right now the app is still in testing mode but you can download it here and manually install it.

User’s Manual
