
Available In: Cydia       Price: $0.99  

ScreenDimmerI’ve been looking for a replacement to an app I used to use called iDimLight. It basically mirrored the feature of the Mac laptops that dims the screen to save battery when you’re not using them. I tend to never use the autolock feature and just manually lock my iPhone. Now I can have my screen dim after being on for 45 seconds or whatever I set it to by a new app that works with 3.0 to 3.1.2 called ScreenDimmer.

The app installs into your Settings app and not an icon on our SpringBoard. From Settings you can:
– disable the feature
– have it turn off the backlight or dim it
– toggle option for dimming the screen during charging
– adjust the timing from 5 seconds to 15 minutes
– exclude the feature while running certain apps
– and choose to dim apps with disabled idleTimer (apps like navigation or video playback)

I love this feature and it’s one of those hacks I say is worth jailbreaking for.