Siri vs. Cortana – Happy Anniversary (Commercial)

I’ve recently been seeing this commercial from Microsoft about their Siri competitor, Cortana. Although I’m pretty sure I’ll never buy a phone from Microsoft (And I know no one that has one), this feature is really nice. Now I’m not sure how it works in real world scenarios but this seems impressive. Like Google Now, it adapts to your schedule, location, traffic and other information to make your life easier. Apple is behind on this one. There are location based tasks and Siri is really good at what it does but it doesn’t really seem to be getting much better lately. It needs to take a real leap to get ahead. What do you think? Also, according to the comments, the real Cortana voice doesn’t sound like that. [Read more…]

Siri Talks to Herself

With the new turn by turn directions from Apple’s new Maps app in iOS 6 firmware (coming fall 2012), the voice of Siri directs you where to go. I’ve found a problem with this. When I’m using Siri or voice to text to send a text, Siri will talk over me. What’s encouraging is she can understand herself. It’s kind of annoying but it would be nice if either; it wouldn’t let you use that feature when you’re close to an upcoming voice prompt, it would wait until you’re done, or shut off voice to text during the announcement. Here’s a couple screenshots of Siri’s directions being typed out by the voice to text feature. [Read more…]

Apple’s Newest Firmware iOS 6 for the iPhone, iPad & iPod touch Preview

Apple recently announced new firmware to be released in the fall for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. There is no specific date yet. They have stated on their website that the firmware will work with the following devices: iPhone 3G, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (4th generation), iPad 2, the new iPad (iPad 3). [Read more…]