SoccerGuide 0.1

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

SoccerGuide Looks like we didn’t have to wait very long! Over the week-end SoccerGuide was released. It looks to be pretty much the same as the preview screenshots. The application opens to a screen where you can pick from two leagues (Germany; Bundesliga and England; Premier League). Once you have selected a league you get the options to view Live Scores, New, Table, Results, Fixtures, Clubs, Credits and the ability to go back to the League screen. It looks as if the scores are brought to you via ScoresPro. They do not fit correctly in portrait mode but if you tip your iPhone to landscape mode it fits fine.
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Spore Origins 1.0.0

Available In: App Store       Price: $9.99  

SporeI was out shopping tonight and I was gonna buy Spore for the computer. It was $50 so I decided not to. I probably would waste lots of time playing it so that’s a good thing. I looked and looked all day yesterday in the App Store for Spore for the iPhone but never came out. Well, now it’s here! Right now I’m waiting…. It takes a while to install. If you don’t remember, this is one of the original games that Apple showed us when the iPhone apps were first announced. Here’s the video:

Watch “Spore” from your iPhone or iPod Touch

Now that the app is installed, I’ll try to write as I play. It starts off at a main menu. I’m gonna just start by tapping “Play”. First you need to name your creature. I chose ahhyeah. The keyboard was running pretty laggy during this step. You can also tap random to have it chose a name for you.
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