winpwn worked for me… kinda

Ok, so I’ve been trying to get my iPhone the way I want it all day. Last night I decided that I was going to restore my iPhone using winpwn. It’s been about 2 months since I have synced my iPhone with iTunes because for some reason iTunes hasn’t recognized it. I backed up all my data either via SSH or TimeCapsule. I fell asleep after finally backing up all options in TimeCapsule. When I woke up this morning my iPhone was running REALLY slow. Like 10 second delay everything I did something. No idea why this was but I didn’t really care since I was going to restore.

I started by restoring with iTunes to 1.1.4. Everything seemed fine, I could make calls, YouTube, etc. I finally figured out how winpwn worked. (it helps to read the instructions) One problem I was having was the version I was using didn’t look the same as the help version. I finally figured out it was a new version. Also figured out that it creates a custom firmware. So basically you creat a hacked firmware and when you restore in iTunes you select that firmware to restore with. [Read more…]

How to create a custom boot logo for winpwn

Here is another great video from showing you how to create a custom boot logo and recovery logo for winpwn.

winpwn videos

Found these over at

Part 1:

Watch “winpwn part 1” from your iPhone or iPod Touch

Part 2:

Watch “winpwn part 2” from your iPhone or iPod Touch


It seems a little to deep for me to try just yet but if you’re brave enough to try it you might want to see this tutorial first. And if you’re wanting to use winpwn for firmware 2.0 it’s been disabled for now. This isn’t just a jailbreak, this allows you to install completely custom firmware. So you’ll want to check the official site for all the details and warnings but here’s the main one: WARNING THIS IS ONLY FOR BETA TESTERS [Read more…]