WordPress has come out with another update to the iPhone app. No major features but a nice few tweaks and fixes. This application allows you to manage your blog on wordpress.com or one you’re hosting yourself using software downloaded from wordpress.org. You can blog, add pictures, approve comments, save drafts and more.
WordPress 1.0
Available In: App Store | Price: Free |
WordPress is finally out for the iPhone and it works great. There are a couple features missing but I’ll get to those in a minute. The app usually opens to a list of your blogs but the first time you need to select “Set up your blog” from the menu. Just enter the blog’s URL, your username and password, and select how many recent posts to show from 10-50.
One you get a blog or two set up the app will open right to a list of all your blogs. Tapping on the blue arrow next to the blog title takes you to the login settings. Tapping on the name brings you to a list most recent posts and your local drafts. Local drafts means only articles you’ve written on your iPhone but haven’t published yet. There is also a refresh button in the bottom right and a Write button in the bottom left. Tapping on any article title brings you to an editing screen. It’s laid out just like the Write screen. Here you can enter the Title, Tags, Categories, Publishing Status, and content for the body of the post. Tags have to be hand typed in but you can choose categories from your predetermined list, select more than one, and even add a new category. [Read more…]