Smoog Theme – Background for WeatherIcon Mod

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

WinterBoard smoogweatherbackground2 It seems that quite a few themes have been getting updated lately to accommodate both the LiveClock and WeatherIcon mods. One theme that I have always been a fan of has received one of these updates! You are now able to install a weather icon for the Smoog theme (via BigBoss) that supports the WeatherIcon mod. The title of the package is Smoog Weather Icon Background and it is available via the source. If you are also a fan of the LiveClock mod, you can choose the Live lock Dark option in WinterBoard and it looks decent with the theme as well. Though, I would love to see another update that adds an icon that is actually compatible with the LiveClock mod. [Read more…]

Backgrounder svn.r10-2 – Allows Apps to Run in Background

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

Backgrounder Backgrounder is “A Mobile Substrate-based extension that allows applications to run in the background.” Basically it is an application (similar to Insomnia) that allows applications to run in the background…meaning after you close the application it will continue to run.

When you install Backgrounder, you will not get an icon on your SpringBoard…it is just a code application. To enable Backgrounder, open the application that you would like to run in the background then press and hold the Home Button. You will get a quick pop-up saying, [Read more…]

iAwake2 2.0

iAwake2 iAwake2 is an application similar to insomnia. When iAwake2 it toggled on, it allows applications to continue to run in the background using both WiFi and Edge. When you tap on the icon on your SpringBoard, it will open to a splash-screen and then close back to the SpringBoard. However, you will notice that it puts a little On badge on the icon. This means that it will now allow applications to run in the background. To turn it off, just tap the icon again which will open it to the splash-screen and close back to the SpringBoard. This time there will not be a badge on the icon this means that iAwake2 is now off. The only issue I have with these kinds of applications [Read more…]

vWallpaper 0.9

vWallpaper The updated to version 0.9 of vWallpaper adds a new option to the Settings menu: Videos repository. This gives you the ability to add a repository to the applications. It automatically comes with the Skrew video repository however, it does have the ability to add your own source to the list. Just use the + button in the upper right corner.

Apple iPhone School has created a repo that you can add to vWallpapers that will contain all the vwallpapers from Right now, the repo has three wallpapers in it; Green Tunnel, Mario Brothers and Red and Blue Clouds (see videos below). The files are titled AIS_file name, that way you are able to easily distinguish between our vWallpapers and other vWallpapers. We will be adding quite a few more in the near future. The repo url is –

Note: This is not an installer repo, this repo will only work in the vWallpapers application. Do not try to add it as a source in Installer!
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