iPhone 3G Unlock Complete & OS X 10.5.6 DFU Error Fixes!

Dev TeamThe dev team has announced the completion of the iPhone 3G unlock on their website, blog.iphone-dev.org. They will are planning to release the unlock via QuickPwn or BootNeuter by New Year’s Eve. You must be running baseband 2.11.07 or earlier. That means if you’ve upgraded firmware since 2.1 without using a tool that creates a custom firmware then you’ll have to wait until they get the newer baseband unlocked. Others who will also be waiting are 2nd Generation iPod Touch owners. Work on it’s jailbreak won’t begin until at least 2009. Finally, if you’re having troubles with the latest OS X 10.5.6 update there are some possible fixes. There are try at your own risk: [Read more…]