BigBoss has put out a warning on his website about a fraudulent application called iDontCrash. It seems that a developer tried to get BigBoss to host his application but due to curiosity BigBoss decided to take a good look at the app before hosting it. Below is what he found…this is just a snippet of the article. You can view the full article HERE. .
A week ago, a developer tried to send me an app called iDontCrash to host. Being curious, and a developer myself, I asked a few questions about this app before hosting it. The answers proved to me that it is total fraud on the community. It should be called iDontWork or iAmFake. This app gave me hours of enjoyment while we were picking it apart. In short, do not trust this app or its developer Brandon Rose. It is upsetting when someone tries to harm our community, therefore, I decided to post all about this app and its pseudo developer.
What is iDontCrash? It is nothing. A fake app not even built for iPhone that does nothing but give you, the hopeful user, false hopes.
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