On Friday, I wrote about the Dev-Team and how they had tweeted letting everyone know that there didn’t seem to be any problems with Snow Loepard and jailbreaking. Yesterday, the Dev-Team released an update on their website. They talk about both the redsn0w jailbrek and the untrasn0w unlock. Below is what they had to say. [Read more…]
Dev-Team, Snow Leopard, Jailbreaking and Unlocking
August 30, 2009 by
Snow Leopard and Jailbreaking
August 28, 2009 by
Yesterday, the Dev-Team tweeted about their concern with the release of Snow Leopard and jailbreaking. They said, “If you get both Snow Leopard & iPhone on Fri, easiest to jailbreak 1st, update to Snow 2nd :) Til any kinks are worked out.” However, a little later they tweeted, “Lots of tweets that redsn0w and PwnageTool work great on Snow Leopard, so *should* be kink-free Friday! Thanks twitterers!” So, if you are getting (or got) Snow Leopard today, you should be good to go.