Steve Jobs Interviewed at D8 Conference

AppleSteve Jobs was a speaker at the D8 Conference and was asked about everything you could think of. From the lost iPhone to what he does all day. Here are some of the highlights that are related to devices that run iPhone OS.


Removing Google from the iPhone?

Kara asks if Apple might remove Google from the iPhone and iPad. Jobs says no. Again, he notes that Apple is simply trying to make the best products it can and that the market will decide whose is better. “Right now, we have the better product.”


Jobs: “They’re doing pretty good in some ways and in others they could do better. We meet with them once a quarter. Remember, they deal with way more data traffic than anyone else. And they’re having trouble. But they have the fastest 3G network and they’re improving. I wish they were improving faster. … I’m convinced that any other network, had you put the iPhone on it would have had the same problems.”

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Steve Job’s Return – Video

##ICON_NAME## Gizmodo posted a video of Job’s entrance at today’s “It’s only rock and roll, but we like it” event. Check it out below.