
iWoman Developer’s description of app: Keep track of your monthly cycles.

Well ladies…now that we have scared off all the curious guys with the developer’s description, lets talk about this app (it actually has a few very useful features). When you open the app for the first time you will need to put in some initial information. If you select the bottom date – the only entry that is editable – it will open to a screen where you can put in the dates of your most current period (or you can start back as far as you can remember but, you only need one period’s start and finish date for the app to work).

It will automatically figure out the duration of your period and the number of days in your cycle. From there you can put in more specific information for every day of your period (check out the screenshots). Once you have at least one period duration entered you can go back to the main screen (tap the iWoman button on the top left). You will see that it has calculated when your period will be for the next three months. You can delete an entry by tapping the edit button or by swiping on the entry. Now, we all know that all they can do is give us an educated guess…but, it at least gives you an idea of when to expect your next period. The only thing it needs now is the ability to calculate when ovulation takes place (oh, there went the rest of the guys that decided to continue reading about this app!) It would be helpful for those trying to get pregnant! Overall though, a useful app.

Some husbands might find this to be a handy app as well – so they know when to conveniently bring home flowers!

The screenshots:
iWoman Sketches iWoman iWoman iWoman iWoman iWoman iWoman


  1. Hi
    I need some urgent help. I downloaded iwoman on my 2G and have been tracking my cycle on it for the last year, even though I upgraded to a 3GS- I kept my 2G. I recently downloaded the app on my 3GS- and while my mac syncs with the 3GS, it doesnt download the info from the 2G and specially the info from the iwoman app which I need for a health issue.
    Help me- bc i broke the screen and cant access my info as it wont allow me to open any app.

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