Many factors have caused some of the largest amounts of jailbreaking ever. First, there are just more people with iPhones. People who’ve bought the iPhone 5 that had an iPhone before have either passed their old one down or sold it. Also, the low pricing of the iPhone 4S at $99 and the iPhone 4 for free, both with 2 year contracts, have cause more people the ability to own an iPhone. There is also a new generation of jailbreakers to add to the old and all have been waiting months since the last jailbreak. [Read more…]
Welcome to Apple iPhone School’s New Look
Welcome to Apple iPhone School’s new look! YAY! Doug and I have been working non-stop (ok, maybe not NON-STOP but there have been a few late nights!) to get things up and running. I think we are finally there. You may notice us tweak a few things but other than that… we are good to go. Let us know if you find something that isn’t working correctly or if you have any questions. In the meantime, feel free to grab a cup of coffee (or tea), sit back, relax and take a look around. :)
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Click That Blog Button!!
Just in case some of you have missed it… we are now doing podcasts (I think that is what we are calling them!). Anyway, those of you from back-in-the-day probably remember iPhone 101 well, it has been renamed to i101 (I know, we are totally copying Apple), shortened and done more often. They will be similar to iPhone 101 in that we will do product reviews, app reviews, talk about app updates, stay up-to-date on jailbreak and unlock news, talk about general news… etc. Only, this time it will include the iPhone, iPod touch and the iPad… hence i101. The episodes show up on the left side of the home page on under the ‘Featured Video’ section and in the blog… so, click that Blog button! We were out ‘n about over the Holiday week-end but, we are starting back up tonight! See you then!
PS. It also goes out on our facebook page.
~ Brooke
In Line at the Apple Store [Updated]
Below will be the live stream are photos and videos of waiting in line at the Apple Store to get the iPhone 4. Doug says he will startstarted the stream around 6:00am CST. He waited in line since around 1:00am CST last night.
We’ll we’re here in line at the Apple Store at Jordan Creek Mall in Des Moines, Iowa. I woke up at about midnight and got everything all packed up. I’ve got a friend with me and we headed out. I’ve got a MacBook Pro with an AT&T cellular card, an iPad 3G, and my iPhone 3GS all with a lot of battery power and backup battery. Before I left home I checked out Twitter to see if anyone was here yet. Here’s the pic I found:
So far we’ve heard one crying baby and a guy throwing up so this should be an interesting night. It seems like there’s a decent mix of preorder and nonpreorders. I came to the store earlier in the day and they confirmed there were enough iPhones that I would get mine. I’m still waiting in line :) I’ll keep you update through this blog and Ustream live video streaming later in the morning.
New iPad!
I finally got an iPad! I had it on order on and it wasn’t going to ship for another two weeks. I also had myself on a waiting list at my local Apple store just incase they came in before mine shipped. When I was put on the waiting list the lady told me it would be about a three week wait. Then, a couple days ago, I got this email:
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New iPad Ordered!
We’ve finally ordered our new iPad 3G! Usually we have the iPhone right when it comes out but since the iPad costs more it took us a little longer to save up for it. I decided to order the 3G so we can test it out and so we can have data access whenever we need it. I also picked the 16GB version. I, of course, would like to have the 64GB version but for $200 more I decided to save that money to use for the new iPhone 4/4G/HD. Also, I looked at the storage right now on my iPhone 3GS and concluded I’d be fine with only 16GB.
Right now my iPhone has all my music on it that I own. I know, it’s not a lot but it is about 1,400 songs. I don’t think I”ll be putting any music on my iPad. I also have 312 apps which really don’t take a lot of room. My available capacity is 14.7 GB. I originally bought the 32GB iPhone 3GS so I wouldn’t be restricted on taking pictures and video. If I wanted to record a 30min clip, I didn’t want to be limited by space. On the iPad, I won’t be taking pictures or video so I won’t need that extra space. As for watching videos like movies, I probably won’t be ripping videos to my iPad. Most movies we watch are from Redbox so use a laptop or my 24″ iMac. [Read more…]
WPtouch 2.0 Update Preview = Updated AIS Web App
If you didn’t know, when you visit our website from an iPhone or an iPod touch, the site changes it’s design automatically to fit better and speed things up. You can always switch it back to the full view but many like this more simple view to help make things faster. Here’s what it looks like right now:
AIS App Updated
Just a little update to our app. Matthew updated the icon so it’s the correct size. Before it was a little smaller than most icons. He’s also looking into speeding it up a bit. If you have any other ideas, let us know in the comments.
Apple iPhone School App Now Available!
Available In: Cydia | Price: Free |
Thanks to our number one fan, we now have an iPhone app! Matthew Batey tweeted me this morning and sent me these two screenshots of an app he made for us.
Right now it’s available through his source at and I’ve added that source to our Sources Page. He has some other stuff in there too so check it out! He’s submitted it to the BigBoss repo too. [Read more…]
I Miss My Jailbroken iPhone
I’ve upgraded to the new 4.0 firmware and there are some sweet new features. I’ve have a lot of apps because we test so many so the new folders feature is great. It would be nice if you could select one of your app icons in the folder as the main folder icon. Otherwise everyone’s iPhones will just look like a bunch of folders.
Ok, so not all of my apps will be in folders, but it’s still not real pretty. With categories I could pick my own icon. And I could put more than 12 apps in a folder. The way the folders open and work is really kewl, but there are still limits. It is definitely easier to create and edit what’s in a folder in 4.0 than it is in categories. It opens faster and looks better too. [Read more…]
We Were On The News!
Today we decided to visit the Apple store in our area to check out the new iPad. We went in about an hour after they opened and there was still a pretty big line. This is a picture of the line a friend of mine took just a little while before we got there.
Once we got there I asked the staff if I had to stand in line to buy something other than the iPad. She said no and that I could go right in and if I wanted I could look at an iPad. I went in and bought my Airport Extreme and checked out the iPad after I was done. It is very amazing and I can’t wait to get one. I did notice that it was a little heavier than I thought and my arm did get tired after standing and holding it for a while. Still, amazing. Anyway, while I was standing there showing it to my wife I saw the news videographer setting up for a shot inside the store. I told my wife and we tried to act normal. Later, I forgot all about it and someone ended up telling me on Facebook that they saw me on the 6:00 news. I caught a later airing and here’s the video and a screenshot from the few seconds we were famous… [Read more…]
We’re Back
Now that all the Holiday craziness is over, we are getting back into the swing of things here at AiS. I hope everyone had a good Christmas. Doug got a $25.00 iTunes Gift Card in his stocking and he got a blue-tooth headset… other than that not a ton of iPhone accessories. Let us know in the comments if you got an iPhone, iPod touch or any cool accessories for Christmas!
2009 iPhone Recap
2009 was a great year for the iPhone. I’ve put together some news, apps and hacks from 2009.
Verizon vs. AT&T
Starting with a commercial that attacked AT&T’s 3G coverage, Verizon released a series of commercials that compared the two networks and eventually the DROID vs. the iPhone. AT&T sued Verizon claiming the maps of AT&T’s network only showed 3G coverage which confused customers into thinking there was no coverage in blank areas of the map. AT&T eventually lost the lawsuit and then started in with their own commercials.
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blacksn0w & blackra1n – jailbreak & unlock from Geohot
Geohot did it again, creating an jailbreak and unlock for the iPhone 3GS. Of course the cat and mouse game will continue in 2010 but with the addition of hardware encryption on the iPhone 3GS and Apple’s authorization process of each firmware before you can restore your iPhone, jailbreaking has become more difficult to develop.
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Facebook iPhone App Developer Quits
The developer for the Facebook iPhone app announced he would no longer work on the iPhone app after getting fed up with Apple’s App Store process. Others at Facebook are still working on the app but this was a big PR blow to Apple’s app approval process.
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Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving from everyone here at! We hope you get to spend the day relaxing and spending time with your family (and maybe watching a little football!). Doug and I traveled all last night with the boys to spend Thanksgiving with our families today. We totally used our iPhones to stay entertained during the drive! Doug used GPSTracker to embed our current location on his facebook and our personal website as we drove (and insisted on showing it to me every hour or so!) :) He did have to use Backgrounder to keep it running in the background.
P.S. Any old school jailbreaks remember what application the icon I used for this post is from?? :)
Forums Repaired
We’ve been having issues not being able to add new posts to our forum. Viewers could comment on others, but not create a new post. I’ve discovered it was an update to MySQL on our server and I had to run a little repair on the database for the forum. To make a long story short, it’s fixed! Thanks to those who let me know!