Today we decided to visit the Apple store in our area to check out the new iPad. We went in about an hour after they opened and there was still a pretty big line. This is a picture of the line a friend of mine took just a little while before we got there.
Once we got there I asked the staff if I had to stand in line to buy something other than the iPad. She said no and that I could go right in and if I wanted I could look at an iPad. I went in and bought my Airport Extreme and checked out the iPad after I was done. It is very amazing and I can’t wait to get one. I did notice that it was a little heavier than I thought and my arm did get tired after standing and holding it for a while. Still, amazing. Anyway, while I was standing there showing it to my wife I saw the news videographer setting up for a shot inside the store. I told my wife and we tried to act normal. Later, I forgot all about it and someone ended up telling me on Facebook that they saw me on the 6:00 news. I caught a later airing and here’s the video and a screenshot from the few seconds we were famous…
I also took a couple screenshots on the iPad of our website in Safari. For those wondering, you can take screenshots just the same way you can on an iPhone or iPod touch. Just push the home button and the lock/power button at the same time.
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Why not wait for the next gen IPhone since that will be the I pad mini and will do all that the I pad does. Do folks in this country have money they can throw away?
what people dont understand is that consumers must continue to buy if not the recession will become worst.. so keep buying.. im not saying go into debt but buy if u like something continue ur life the way it was before only like that can the economy pick up
I love the iPhone but the ipad is stupid. It does nothing special. Looks like a photo frame! Not sure why people are so in love with it but I guess to each his own1
I second that…!!!
just realized too that i have paid for every iphone product from 2G to 3Gs.
I am holding off on this one.i will wait till next release. Apple has a way of releasing an unfinished product anyways.