Cydia and Repos Overloaded, Expect Errors

Many factors have caused some of the largest amounts of jailbreaking ever. First, there are just more people with iPhones. People who’ve bought the iPhone 5 that had an iPhone before have either passed their old one down or sold it. Also, the low pricing of the iPhone 4S at $99 and the iPhone 4 for free, both with 2 year contracts, have cause more people the ability to own an iPhone. There is also a new generation of jailbreakers to add to the old and all have been waiting months since the last jailbreak.

All of this is to say that for the next of couple days, many hacks and mods from Cydia are most likely not going to install right away. You’ll be lucky to even get your sources and the “Changes” tab to update. Here’s a recent note from Jay Freeman (@saurik) on the situation.

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Note: (as of 4AM PST / 12AM UTC) Traffic from Evasi0n has caused many errors. After 19 hours of work (and with tons of code rewritten; BigBoss, Modmyi and I have all made major changes), things seem stable, despite continuing traffic. (If things do break, come back later! ;P) (The ultrasn0w repository is offline.)


Along with Cydia, we’ve seen our own spike in traffic! We’ve encountered no problems thanks to our host Rackspace and their cloud computing! Thanks for visiting and look for more posts coming soon!

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