We’re updating our website and wanted to know, do you still jailbreak your devices? It seems that jailbreaking has been behind lately and most people update for the new features from Apple before a jailbreak can be released. We are motivated to help people with their iPhones and other iDevices but want to know what the needs are. Please help us by answering a few questions in our polls. Thanks! Comments are welcome below! [Read more…]
iOS 7.0.6 Update Details & How to Jailbreak
Apple has recently released a security update to iPhones, iPods and iPads. Running this update will remove Cydia and your jailbroken apps if you have them. If you really want to update but want to jailbreak again, there is a fix for evasi0n over at idownloadblog.com that you can download. It’s the same evasi0n tool that has been modified to work with 7.0.6. This is a trusted source. [Read more…]
evasi0n7 1.0.1 – Jailbreak for iOS 7 – iPhone 5 & Mac Tutorial
Finally, the jailbreak for iOS 7 has been released. There has been a little bit of drama with this jailbreak, more than usual. Basically, the people who wrote the jailbreak were paid to add an alternative App Store to iPhones in China. Like Cydia but for Chinese users. Users in China began to notice that the Chinese alternative app store, called TaiG, had pirated apps on it. That means that they were taking paid apps from the Apple App Store and copying them and making them free in the Taig app store. The jailbreak community wasn’t too happy about this. We even recommended users to not perform the jailbreak until the issue was resolved. Thankfully the alternative app store has now been removed from the jailbreak. [Read more…]
I Jailbroke Using Evasi0n, Now What Do I Do?
Now that you have successfully used Evasi0n to jailbrake your iDevice running 6.0 or 6.1 firmware, you may be wondering how to actually install an application using Cydia or how to add additional sources to Cydia so that you have more options on applications to install. If this is you, we have a few guides on our f.a.q page that may be helpful. There you will find a guide on how to install applications using Cydia and a guide on how to install additional sources to Cydia. If you are wondering what Cydia is or how you even jailbreak your device, you may just want to head over to our f.a.q page for more info. Feel free to hit up the comments with any additional questions.
Evasi0n Jailbreak Application Compatibly List
I’m going to start a list of what I’ve tried and let you know what works and what doesn’t work with the new Evasi0n jailbreak. For now it will be a simple list with more details and links to come. [Read more…]
Cydia and Repos Overloaded, Expect Errors
Many factors have caused some of the largest amounts of jailbreaking ever. First, there are just more people with iPhones. People who’ve bought the iPhone 5 that had an iPhone before have either passed their old one down or sold it. Also, the low pricing of the iPhone 4S at $99 and the iPhone 4 for free, both with 2 year contracts, have cause more people the ability to own an iPhone. There is also a new generation of jailbreakers to add to the old and all have been waiting months since the last jailbreak. [Read more…]
Evasi0n Jailbreak Tutorial Video for iPhone 5 on iOS 6.1 [Mac]
Last night I made a video of the process of jailbreaking an iPhone 5 on a Mac using the new Evasi0n software. You can get the jailbreak program at evasi0n.com for free. It’s really easy but I recommend watching the video below first, it includes some more information about jailbreaking. The jailbreak takes just under 6 minutes and will work on all devices running 6.0-6.1 (except the Apple TV at this time). [Read more…]
Evasi0n iOS 6.0 & 6.1 Jailbreak Now Available for All Devices! Including iPhone 5 & Retina iPads
The new jailbreak named Evasi0n has finally been released and we have already jailbroken 2 iPhone 5s and an iPhone 4S. The first thing you need to know is you will need to remove your passcode lock from your iPhone. There are known problems during the jailbreak if your passcode lock is on. Once the jailbreak process is over, you can add your passcode lock back. Another thing to know is the servers are getting hit really hard right now and Cydia is loading slow. Be patient and check back every once in a while. We’ll let you know how things are as we keep testing. If you have no idea where to start you should wait for our video demo. Otherwise, head over to evasi0n.com and follow the instructions. Check back here for more info soon! [Read more…]
Absinthe 2.0 – Untethered Jailbreak for iPad, iPhone & iPod touch 5.1.1
The Chronic Dev team has released Absinthe 2.0 which will jailbreak most devices on firmware 5.1.1. I’ll provide a list below of compatible devices. First, I’m going to jailbreak my new iPad (3). It’s current firmware is 5.1 so I am upgrading to 5.1.1. Before jailbreaking I recommend backing up your device. I use iCloud to backup but you can also connect to iTunes and under devices, right click the device and choose backup. It had been suggested to wipe/restore your device before running this jailbreak to save time. It may take up to 30 minutes if you don’t. I have so much on my device that it would take longer than that to restore so I’m trying it with all my apps, pictures and settings. [Read more…]
Jailbreak iPad 1 on iOS 5.0.1 with redsn0w
For this jailbreak I will be using redsn0w for the Mac to jailbreak a first generation iPad running iOS 5.0.1. Most steps are the same on a PC and for other devices such as iPhone3GS, iPhone4, iPhone4-CDMA, iPod touch 3G, & iPod touch 4G. NOTE: iPhone 4S and iPad 2 are not supported at this time.
First you should make sure you are upgraded to firmware iOS 5.0.1. Just go to your Settings app, then General, then Software Update. [Read more…]
Easy Jailbreak For All Current Devices & Firmware – Jailbreakme.com
Jailbreakme.com is back! Just visit the website in Safari on your device and tap install. It installs just like an app from the app store! This hack uses an exploit in the way iOS handles PDF files. It even works on the iPad 2 and Verizion iPhone. Note: this will not work on devices running the iOS 5 Betas. Here’s a video of how to do it and how easy it is. [Read more…]
Friday Night Movie Night – Why you should jailbreak your iPhone According to Saurik
It’s always kewl to hear from the developer of Cydia and in this video he explains some reasons why you should jailbreak your iPhone. There are many specific reasons but to me the main reason is to have the freedom to do whatever you want to your iPhone. Apple controls the software and jailbreaking it allows you to have the control. Check out the video and also check out our page titled “Why Jailbreak?” [Read more…]
iOS 4.3 Untethered Jailbreak [Video]
As I mentioned yesterday, the Dev-Team had informed us that i0n1c had a 4.3 untethered jailbreak ready for when the new iOS was released. Today, i0n1c posted a video demo of the iOS 4.3 untethered jailbreak. There has been no word from the Dev-Team on when the jailbreak will be available. For now, it is being labeled an “alpha” release. Below is the demo video done on an iPad running iOS 4.3.
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PwnageTool 4.2 – Untethered Jailbreak for all devices on 4.2.1
This one was a long wait but the wait is finally over. All of you waiting on 4.1 or those of you rejailbreaking anytime your devices was rebooted or the battery died, now you don’t have to mess with that any more (except if you have a iPod touch 2G). The new jailbreak is a PwnageTool. This means you will create a custom firmware and restore your device with that file. There were initially some problems with iBooks not working and the Apple TV 2 having Wifi troubles but the Dev Team has got it all straightened out and it’s now safe to upgrade. Make sure you take note of your jailbreak apps because you’ll need to reinstall them and also sync your device too. Here’s a link to the Dev Team’s website where you can download the new PwnageTool. You’ll also need the right firmware which you can get on our sources page.
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Update on an Untethered Jailbreak
It seems the Dev-Team is getting closer to having an untethered jailbreak. When the Dev-Team found the untethered jailbreak they dubbed it the “backup plan.” (It’s a “backup plan” because comex is working on a more extensible one, but this method is also generalizable.) Yesterday Musclenerd tweeted, “… the backup plan for those w/legit access to 4.2b3 IPSW is about ready…again though, better to wait for comex.” He also said that;
“Thanks to comex, redsn0w can now handle much bigger files than ramdisk 25MB limit. Useful for “backup plan” 4.2 untether”
“This latest @comex code also allows retrieval of photos+files stuck behind an unfixable filesystem problem…good stuff!”
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