Apple has posted 14 videos of the features of the new iPad. Many are repeats from the first iPad but they do included FaceTime, AirPlay, GarageBand and iMovie. These videos are really good for someone looking to get an iPad for the first time and isn’t sure if it will work for them. You can view them all at [Read more…]
PwnageTool 4.2 – Untethered Jailbreak for all devices on 4.2.1
This one was a long wait but the wait is finally over. All of you waiting on 4.1 or those of you rejailbreaking anytime your devices was rebooted or the battery died, now you don’t have to mess with that any more (except if you have a iPod touch 2G). The new jailbreak is a PwnageTool. This means you will create a custom firmware and restore your device with that file. There were initially some problems with iBooks not working and the Apple TV 2 having Wifi troubles but the Dev Team has got it all straightened out and it’s now safe to upgrade. Make sure you take note of your jailbreak apps because you’ll need to reinstall them and also sync your device too. Here’s a link to the Dev Team’s website where you can download the new PwnageTool. You’ll also need the right firmware which you can get on our sources page.
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iPhone Comes to Verizon, Finally
The rumors were true. The iPhone is coming to Verizon. Here’s the key points:
– Released next month
– $199 for the 16GB, $299 for 32GB — mobile hotspot included! Up to 5 devices.
– Preorders start Feb 3rd for existing customers
– Feb 10th, all other customers via stores, online and from Apple.
– It is an iPhone 4. So far, only difference is it runs on Verizon and it has mobile hotspot.
– It won’t support data and voice at the same time.
– Antenna was changed and fixed
– It’s a multi-year, non exclusive deal. Meaning it could come to Sprint?
– It will be a standard 2 year contract.
Will you switch?
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2 Bluetooth Tactile Keyboard Cases for Your iPhone
I love the keyboard on the iPhone but if you would rather have a “real” keyboard here are a couple options for you. Both cases connect to your iPhone via Bluetooth. This means they will run on their own battery. The battery life for these keyboards should last over a month of normal use. Both keyboards also stay physically connected to your iPhone; one flips out, the other slides out. I’ll show you the one I like first, called the Keyboard Buddy Case. [Read more…]