Jailbreakme.com is back! Just visit the website in Safari on your device and tap install. It installs just like an app from the app store! This hack uses an exploit in the way iOS handles PDF files. It even works on the iPad 2 and Verizion iPhone. Note: this will not work on devices running the iOS 5 Betas. Here’s a video of how to do it and how easy it is. [Read more…]
iCorkz Protection for your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch Headphone Jack & 30-Pin Connector
This is one of the best inventions for the iPhone. They are little accessories that plug into your headphone jack and dock to protect them from water & dust. They also work in the iPad and iPod touch. Check out my video and pictures below. They are just $9.95 for the set plus shipping and can be purchased at icorkz.com. I recommend them and will be putting them the rest of my devices. [Read more…]
Just Mobile Xtand – The iPhone Stand of Stands
Ok, here is the deal, I was making dinner the other day (or maybe it was breakfast… I can’t remember) anyway… like most of my cooking escapades, I was using my iPhone for the recipe. And, as usual, Doug came in the kitchen halfway through my escapade only to find that my iPhone was dusted with flour, maybe had a sprinkle of seasoning on it and possible been garnished with a few droplets of water (though to my defense… he does always seem to come into the kitchen right in the middle of things when it is the craziest)! And, like usual, he looked at me in horror. “Opps… my bad!” [Read more…]
iPhone 4, 3GS & 3G Unlock – ultrasn0w 1.0-1
The iPhone 4 unlock is ready! Remember, unlocking is different from jailbreaking. Unlocking lets you use your iPhone on other carriers. Of course, in the US the only other carrier that works with the iPhone is T-Mobile. This unlock is done by first jailbreaking the iPhone allowing applications to be installed that Apple doesn’t approve of. Then, in Cydia, you will need to add this source: repo666.ultrasn0w.com Then you can install ultrasn0w. [Read more…]
Android OS Working on iPhone 3G
Recently we wrote about Google’s Android OS working on an iPhone. This is really kewl and I can’t wait for it to be released as a stable package. Right now a few things don’t work and it’s a tedious task to get it installed. What’s new is that it’s now running on an iPhone 3G. Before it was running on only the 1st Gen iPhone.
The hope is that you should soon be able to carry around your first-generation iPhone or iPhone 3G running Android and use it just as normally as you would any other Android phone.
$79.00 & $129.00 Refurbished iPhone 3G’s
AT&T is currently selling refurbished iPhone 3G’s on their website. You can get the 8GB iPhone 3G for $79.00 and both the black and white versions of the 16GB iPhone 3G for $129.00. These prices do require a two-year contract and they are only available as supplies last. So, if you are looking for a way to save a few bucks but still be an iPhone owner now just might be the time to buy! You can check it out HERE on AT&T’s website.
ultrasn0w iPhone 3G Unlock is Here!
Over night, the Dev-Team released ultrasn0w. ultrasn0w can be used to unlock an iPhone 3G on firmware 3.0. Below is what the Dev-Team has to say: [Read more…]
iPhone 3GS vs. iPhone 3G Speed Test
Yesterday, another friend of mine with an iPhone 3GS recorded a speed test between my iPhone 3GS and Brooke’s iPhone 3G. Now Brooke’s iPhone was recently jailbroken but this is still pretty accurate.
Firmware 3.0 Jailbreak and Unlock Specifics *Updated
Below is the basic information about how jailbreaking and unlocking will work on the 3.0 firmware for the 1st gen iPhone, the iPhone 3G and the iPhone 3GS.
Important Note: Upgrading to firmware 3.0 will break your current jailbreak and unlock (see below for more specific information). Also, many of the current jailbroke applications do not work on firmware 3.0. [Read more…]
JustMobile Xtand
JustMobile has just released a stand for both the 1st Gen iPhone and the iPhone 3G. It’s made out of aluminum and has rubber feet so it won’t slide around. Being made out aluminum makes it a little light for my liking although it’s not really sliding around too much on me like I thought it would. It comes with rubber mounts for all four corners of the iPhone and are interchangeable for both 1st Gen and iPhone 3G. There is a hole in the back of the stand for your USB cord but only the USB to computer part fits through it. The end that connects to the iPhone doesn’t fit so if you’re cord is plugged into the computer you have to unplug it to get the stand detached. It also rotates for horizontal viewing and you can adjust the height slightly. The stand costs about $40 and is distributed in the US by nuCourse Distribution. Visit the Xtand website at xtand.net. [Read more…]
Red iPhone 3G?
Rumor has it that around the Holiday Season, after the hype of the iPhone 3G launch is starting to simmer down but in time for the Christmas rush, Apple will be releasing a red iPhone 3G. This is not the first time we will have seen a red product by Apple. The iPod Nano and Shuffle currently have red versions as a part of the (PRODUCT) RED campaign by Apple, which aims to support the fight against AIDS in Africa by giving “a portion of the purchase price to the Global Fund to fight AIDS in Africa.” You can learn more about (PRODUCT) RED HERE on Apple’s Website.
Could be a rumor…could be true?! I actually kind of like the red. Let us know in the comments what you think.

New iPhone 3G Commercials from Apple
Below are three new commercials that Apple has released for the iPhone 3G. I will say that I’m not overly impressed this time around. They are ok. I’m totally bummed that they changed the theme song. I love the other theme song, it’s so cheerful!
Watch “Everyone” your iPhone or iPod Touch.
[Read more…]
Update on What PwnageTool 2.0 will Support
The Dev Team continues to keep us updated on their progress. They are still trying to work out a few bugs (scroll way down) but, they have posted a list on what PwnageTool 2.0 supports so far. It looks as though everything can be jailbroke and activated however, they do not have the iPhone 3G unlocked yet. Check it out:
So, currently (when released) PwnageTool 2.0 will support:-
• iPhone (1st Gen) with 2.0 – Activated, Unlocked & Jailbroken, (with support for third party applications).
• iPod Touch with 2.0 – Activated & Jailbroken, (with support for third party applications).
• iPhone (3G) with 2.0 – Activated, Jailbroken (with support for third party applications).
We’ve made some progress on the baseband unlock of the 3G device, but at this point PwnageTool will not support 3G unlocking or BootNeuter on the 3G device. It is, of course supported on the first generation device with 2.0. We’ll push out an update with 3G support if and when it is completed.
As soon as we fix this up and test a bit more we’ll be ready for release, we’ll get back to you with a release schedule soon.
Still Lines for the iPhone 3G
There are still people waiting in line for the iPhone 3G. Here are some recent tweets from Twitter; all from today!

First Jailbroke iPhone 3G!
The guys over at the Dev Team have released this video and screenshot…both showing that the iPhone 3G has been jailbroke! The actual jailbreak has not been released yet but, I can only image that it is not too far away!
[Read more…]