The iPhone 4 unlock is ready! Remember, unlocking is different from jailbreaking. Unlocking lets you use your iPhone on other carriers. Of course, in the US the only other carrier that works with the iPhone is T-Mobile. This unlock is done by first jailbreaking the iPhone allowing applications to be installed that Apple doesn’t approve of. Then, in Cydia, you will need to add this source: Then you can install ultrasn0w. [Read more…]
iPhone 4, 3GS & 3G Unlock – ultrasn0w 1.0-1
iPhone 3GS vs. iPhone 3G Speed Test
Yesterday, another friend of mine with an iPhone 3GS recorded a speed test between my iPhone 3GS and Brooke’s iPhone 3G. Now Brooke’s iPhone was recently jailbroken but this is still pretty accurate.
Firmware 3.0 Jailbreak and Unlock Specifics *Updated
Below is the basic information about how jailbreaking and unlocking will work on the 3.0 firmware for the 1st gen iPhone, the iPhone 3G and the iPhone 3GS.
Important Note: Upgrading to firmware 3.0 will break your current jailbreak and unlock (see below for more specific information). Also, many of the current jailbroke applications do not work on firmware 3.0. [Read more…]
iPhone 3G on Firmware 3.0 Unlock – ultrasnow demo video
This is a video demo of ultrasnow, a software unlock for the iPhone 3G running firmware 3.0. Unlocking your iPhone lets you use the iPhone with other carriers like T-Mobile in the US. (This does not work for Verizon) The plan for release is this Friday through Cydia.
Skip to about 2:20.
Typo on iPhone 3G S Tech Specs on
I was on Apple’s website yesterday checking out all the new specs of the iPhone 3G S and looking at some comparisons with the iPhone 3G. While doing so, I noticed a little mistake in the Power and Battery section of the tech specs for the iPhone 3G S. Below is what it says on the website and what they really meant it to say. [Read more…]
New Poll – Were you disappointed with the lack of iPhone or iPod Touch news during the Macworld 2009 Keynote?
Time for a new poll. The last poll was – Will you unlock your iPhone 3G using the software unlock yellowsn0w? Below are the results based on when we added the poll a little less than a week ago.
* Yes. (33%, 437 Votes)
* No. (23%, 301 Votes)
* I’m not sure yet. (14%, 192 Votes)
* I will unlock my iPhone 3G using a different method. (3%, 41 Votes)
* I don’t have an iPhone 3G. (27%, 355 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,326
We are torn on this one! Doug has installed and used yellowsn0w…I have not. I honestly do not have an exact reason for why I have not installed yellowsn0w mostly because I just do not have a need to. Doug, being the techy that he is, has installed yellosn0w. Though, he has had a few issues with it affecting his connectivity to AT&T. So, I think I will hold off for a while! :) You can still vote on this Poll in our Poll Archive page. You can also vote/view all the past polls on the Poll Archive page as well. Below is the new poll.

New Poll – Will you unlock your iPhone 3G using the software unlock yellowsn0w?
Time for a new poll. The last poll was – What are some of the main reasons you come to Apple iPhone School? Below are the results based on when we added the poll about a week ago.
Cydia App Reviews (65%, 792 Votes)
App Store App Reviews (61%, 742 Votes)
Video Demos (25%, 306 Votes)
Jailbreaking Info – Modding, Hacking, Unlocking, Guides (53%, 647 Votes)
Forum (9%, 110 Votes)
iPhone News (61%, 743 Votes)
Video Podcast – iPhone101 (14%, 167 Votes)
I just love you guys! :) (41%, 506 Votes)
Total Voters: 1,225
We really appreciate everyone who took the time to vote in this poll!! We will most definitely take it into consideration as we look into the New Year and prepare for some of the changes that will be made to Below is the new poll.

iPhone 3G Unlock yellowsn0w Sources Now Available!!
Well, it is official, an iPhone 3G unlock is now available! Here is a link to the article that contains the iPhone 3G unlock sources. We are linking to the actual article instead of just posting the sources in case they are ever changed. They provide one source for Cydia and another for Installer. All you need to do is add the corresponding source into Cydia or Installer on your iPhone 3G…if you need instructions on how to do so please see our f.a.q. page.
Refurbished iPhone 3G’s – $149.99 & $249.99
Right now on AT&T’s website, you can get a refurbished 8GB iPhone 3G for $149.99 and a refurbished 16GB iPhone 3G for $249.99. These prices require that you sign up for a two-year contract. If your interested…better check them out quick…they never last very long!
Colorware available for iPhone 3G
Doug wrote an article about Colorware, a company that will permanently color your iPhone, not too long ago. However, at the time, the process was not yet available for the iPhone 3G. Well, it is now available! Below is a break-down of the color options, price and an example screenshot.
Back – $150
Frame – $20
Button – $20
SIM Card Tray – $10 (this is a new option)
Earbuds – $10
iPhone Dock – $20
You do not have the option to choose a color for the bottom half of the back of the iPhone 3G (obviously) but, you also do not have the option to choose a color for the Logo on the back of the iPhone 3G… [Read more…]
Red iPhone 3G?
Rumor has it that around the Holiday Season, after the hype of the iPhone 3G launch is starting to simmer down but in time for the Christmas rush, Apple will be releasing a red iPhone 3G. This is not the first time we will have seen a red product by Apple. The iPod Nano and Shuffle currently have red versions as a part of the (PRODUCT) RED campaign by Apple, which aims to support the fight against AIDS in Africa by giving “a portion of the purchase price to the Global Fund to fight AIDS in Africa.” You can learn more about (PRODUCT) RED HERE on Apple’s Website.
Could be a rumor…could be true?! I actually kind of like the red. Let us know in the comments what you think.

New iPhone 3G Commercials from Apple
Below are three new commercials that Apple has released for the iPhone 3G. I will say that I’m not overly impressed this time around. They are ok. I’m totally bummed that they changed the theme song. I love the other theme song, it’s so cheerful!
Watch “Everyone” your iPhone or iPod Touch.
[Read more…]
Update on What PwnageTool 2.0 will Support
The Dev Team continues to keep us updated on their progress. They are still trying to work out a few bugs (scroll way down) but, they have posted a list on what PwnageTool 2.0 supports so far. It looks as though everything can be jailbroke and activated however, they do not have the iPhone 3G unlocked yet. Check it out:
So, currently (when released) PwnageTool 2.0 will support:-
• iPhone (1st Gen) with 2.0 – Activated, Unlocked & Jailbroken, (with support for third party applications).
• iPod Touch with 2.0 – Activated & Jailbroken, (with support for third party applications).
• iPhone (3G) with 2.0 – Activated, Jailbroken (with support for third party applications).
We’ve made some progress on the baseband unlock of the 3G device, but at this point PwnageTool will not support 3G unlocking or BootNeuter on the 3G device. It is, of course supported on the first generation device with 2.0. We’ll push out an update with 3G support if and when it is completed.
As soon as we fix this up and test a bit more we’ll be ready for release, we’ll get back to you with a release schedule soon.
Still Lines for the iPhone 3G
There are still people waiting in line for the iPhone 3G. Here are some recent tweets from Twitter; all from today!

First Jailbroke iPhone 3G!
The guys over at the Dev Team have released this video and screenshot…both showing that the iPhone 3G has been jailbroke! The actual jailbreak has not been released yet but, I can only image that it is not too far away!
[Read more…]