I’ve seen lots of news that RadioShack was selling iPhones for $50 less than the normal pricing. This includes the 16GB iPhone 4 for $150, the 32GB iPhone 4 for $249 and the 8GB iPhone 3GS for $49. I thought it might only be for a new line of service but I thought I’d give it a shot. Brooke still has my old 3GS and never has had the new model because she just always gets my old phone. So, I thought this would be a great Christmas present. I know, typical guy getting his wife technology for Christmas… [Read more…]
FaceTime Fails After 1 Minute Using 3G Unrestrictor [Fixed]
I’ve had a few people who only want to jailbreak their iPhone just so they could use FaceTime anywhere. Right now it only works on WiFi but with 3G Unrestrictor it will run on 3G and even EDGE. Every once in a while I would have problems keeping the call connected. It seemed, after about a minute, that the call would freeze and then disconnect randomly. It also seemed like it was happening with anyone and anywhere. [Read more…]
iPhone 4, 3GS & 3G Unlock – ultrasn0w 1.0-1
The iPhone 4 unlock is ready! Remember, unlocking is different from jailbreaking. Unlocking lets you use your iPhone on other carriers. Of course, in the US the only other carrier that works with the iPhone is T-Mobile. This unlock is done by first jailbreaking the iPhone allowing applications to be installed that Apple doesn’t approve of. Then, in Cydia, you will need to add this source: repo666.ultrasn0w.com Then you can install ultrasn0w. [Read more…]
Fix Slow YouTube on iPad and iPhone 4
I’ve been having trouble watching YouTube videos on my iPhone 4 and my iPad. I have an Apple AirPort Extreme router and it’s the newest model with the most recent firmware. I was excited when the new firmware updates for the iPhone and iPad were released that were supposed to fix the YouTube problem. It didn’t fix my problem so I went looking elsewhere for a fix. Here’s some of the things people have tried that fixed it. What fixed it for me was turning off both the 802.11n and turning off my guest network on the router. Note: many people have commented about the 802.11n on the iPhone 4 but know this: the 802.11n on the AirPort Extreme runs at 5Mhz and the iPhone 4 runs at 2.4Mhz so they are not compatible. The iPad however does use the AirPort’s 5Mhz. [Read more…]
Free Cases For iPhone 4 Owners!
Today Apple announced that they would provide a free iPhone case to all iPhone owners to temporarily resolve the antenna problems. Anyone who has purchased a bumper case from Apple will receive a refund. If you haven’t gotten one yet, you’ll get one for free. Apple will also be providing a few cases from other manufactures since they will not be able keep up with the demand for Apple’s bumpers. We’re not sure yet what will happen if you bought your iPhone case from someone like AT&T. We also aren’t sure if the refund will be cash or in store credit at the Apple Store like they did with the 1st Gen iPhone after lowering the price $200 and refunding $100 in store credit. Apple will have more details on how to get your free case or refund within the next week.
[Read more…]
iPhone 4 Firmware Updated to 4.0.1, Doesn’t Fix Antenna Issue [video]
Apple has released the firmware promised to fix the signal bar issues with the new iPhone 4. To make this clear, the problem, for me, seems to be a hardware issue. When I hold the iPhone in any way that covers the gap between the two antennas, I lose signal strength. I’ve demoed this in the video below. Now, does the firmware fix the problem? Let’s find out! I’ve also recorded what happens when holding the iPhone in the same way on the new firmware, 4.0.1.
Easy Jailbreak Coming Soon For iPhone 4 & All Devices
The dev team has been tweeting lots of good news lately. What does all of this mean? It pretty much means the jailbreak is figured out and now they are making a simple little program for all of us to run to get it done. Once it’s out we’ll let you know. I still plan on jailbreaking my iPhone 4. Mostly to get rid of the pop ups from text messages. And I love the weather in my status bar.
@MuscleNerd has posted the following tweets:
iPhone 4 Signal Loss When Touching Antenna
There is lots of talk out there about the iPhone 4 and it’s problems with the new, external antenna. I haven’t had any issues because I bought the bumper, the iPhone 4 case from Apple, on the first day and always used it. Today, while at work, I took off my bumper because we have these generic iPhone and iPod cables that are too bulky to work with the iPhone bumper. I also thought it was a good chance to test out any signal problems with the antenna. [Read more…]
In Line at the Apple Store [Updated]
will be the live stream are photos and videos of waiting in line at the Apple Store to get the iPhone 4. Doug says he will startstarted the stream around 6:00am CST. He waited in line since around 1:00am CST last night.
We’ll we’re here in line at the Apple Store at Jordan Creek Mall in Des Moines, Iowa. I woke up at about midnight and got everything all packed up. I’ve got a friend with me and we headed out. I’ve got a MacBook Pro with an AT&T cellular card, an iPad 3G, and my iPhone 3GS all with a lot of battery power and backup battery. Before I left home I checked out Twitter to see if anyone was here yet. Here’s the pic I found:
So far we’ve heard one crying baby and a guy throwing up so this should be an interesting night. It seems like there’s a decent mix of preorder and nonpreorders. I came to the store earlier in the day and they confirmed there were enough iPhones that I would get mine. I’m still waiting in line :) I’ll keep you update through this blog and Ustream live video streaming later in the morning.
Reminder: Pick up your reserved iPhone 4 on June 24
I received this email today from Apple. There’s good news in the details. For those of you who got the wrong pricing quoted to you during the reservation process, the pricing will be fixed when you pick up your iPhone. You can double check your pricing here.
Pre-order Your iPhone 4 From Your iPhone
Today was the first day of pre-ordering your iPhone 4. Things were running ok this morning when I first checked and I took my time going through the process of reserving my iPhone 4 on Apple’s website so I could take screenshots for our article. During that process Apple’s store went down while they updated the Mac mini. Once the store came back up I could never get through the entire pre-order process. This went on for most of the day. [Read more…]
iPhone 4 Pre-orders Start Today!
You can now begin pre-ordering the iPhone 4 via Apple’s website at apple.com/iphone/pre-order. You can either order one right there and have it shipped to your house on June 24th or you can reserve one for pickup in the Apple Store on June 24th. The store will be opening at 7:00am. There are always lots of questions about the process of getting a new iPhone and Apple has done a really good job of answering them. Here’s some of the answers I’ve found: [Read more…]
New Poll – Will you get the new iPhone 4?
So, now that the new iPhone 4 has been officially announced… will you get it?? I’m sure Doug will be standing in line on June 24th like he is every year!! I, on the other hand, will once again get his hand-me-down. So wrong!

iPhone 4 Photo Gallery
Most have you have already hurried over to Apple.com to check out the new iPhone 4 but, just in case you haven’t, below are a few pics of the new device. You can check out the full gallery on Apple’s website. Let us know in the comments what you think of the new design! All I can say is, like wow…
[Read more…]
Apple’s iPhone 4 Demo Video Now Available
For those of you dieing to learn more about the iPhone 4 and it’s features, you’re in luck, Apple has already posted a nice little video that quickly runs through some of the new features of the iPhone 4 including; Retina Display, FaceTime, Multitasking, Folders, Mail, Camera/Flash, HD Video, iMovie and info on how the device was created.
You can check it out on the Apple’s site or watch it below.