Dev-Team Releases iOS 4.2.1 Unlock for iPhone 3G/3GS

The Dev-Team has released the much anticipated update to the unltrasn0w unlock that unlocks iOS 4.2.1 on the iPhone 3G and 3GS. Below is what they have to say… make sure you read it thoroughly.

Today we’re pleased to announce our free carrier unlock for iPhone3G/3GS owners with a baseband later than 05.13.04. The unlock for that baseband exploited the AT+XAPP command, thanks to a crash initially discovered by @sherif_hashim (@Oranav also found this crash). So what hole are we exploiting today, since Apple closed that AT+XAPP hole? Well, we’re exploiting the exact same hole!
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Today is the day… Verizon and AT&T Get iPads

A couple weeks ago, Apple announced that the iPad would be available in both Verizon and AT&T stores on October 28th. Today is the day! And, confirmed by a friend, the devices are indeed available today. Both AT&T and Verizon are offering the 16GB, 32GB and 64Gb iPad Wi-Fi with 3G (AT&T) or MiFi (Verizon). The plans are honestly pretty similarly priced with AT&T offering a $14.99 a month plan for up to 250MB of data and a $25 a month for up to 2GB of data. Verizon is offering a $20 a month plan for up to 1GB of data. Below are what, according to Apple, each company is offering.
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FaceTime Fails After 1 Minute Using 3G Unrestrictor [Fixed]

I’ve had a few people who only want to jailbreak their iPhone just so they could use FaceTime anywhere. Right now it only works on WiFi but with 3G Unrestrictor it will run on 3G and even EDGE. Every once in a while I would have problems keeping the call connected. It seemed, after about a minute, that the call would freeze and then disconnect randomly. It also seemed like it was happening with anyone and anywhere. [Read more…]

Signal – See Cell Tower Info on a Google Map

Available In: Cydia       Price: $4.99  

SignalThis app lets you see what cell towers are around you and what strength you’re getting. It’s amazing how many towers are around that I didn’t notice before. Some towers aren’t exactly where they show up on the map, but it gets you pretty close. It shows you signal strength, which one you’re connected to and all kinds of other info. One thing I’d like to see is the current location needs to move with you and update live, not just updated when app is opened. [Read more…]

Skype 2.0 Can Now Make Calls on 3G & EDGE

Available In: App Store       Price: Free  

SkypePreviously, Skype for the iPhone would only let you make calls from the iPhone if it was connected to Wifi. Now you can make them even when on the 3G cellular network. It doesn’t say anything about EDGE so I’m guessing it won’t work there. I even got it to work on EDGE. Check the video below. There are also some other improvements with the recent update including enhanced call quality indicator and improved start-up time. See below for a complete list.

Of course there is a catch to all of this. AT&T is only promising this to be a free service until the end of August 2010, then they may charge a small monthly fee. [Read more…]

iPad 3G Released Today

AppleToday Apple releases the iPad 3G. The difference between the iPad and the iPad 3G are the 3G version has a cell phone chip in it and can connect to cell networks for internet. The iPad 3G also has GPS. In the US the carrier compatible with the iPad 3G is AT&T. Their pricing plans for data are $14.99 for 250MB usable for 30 days, or $29.99 for unlimited data usable for 30 days. These plans also include the free use of AT&T’s 20,000 Wifi hotspots. If you’re wondering which plan is better for you, check out this article by arstechnica which explains how one plan might work better for you.

– Apple is closing stores from 4-5pm to prepare for the launch.
– Phone calls and text messaging are not supported although VOIP apps like Skype are.
– Preorders over the web should be delivered to your home today.
– No contract: The data plans automatically renew every 30 days but can be canceled with no penalty
– For billing purposes, AT&T will assign you a “fake” mobile number.
– Data usage is tracked on device through Settings>Cellular Data
– When using the 250MB plan you will receive popup notifications when you hit 200MB, 225MB, and 250MB.
– Switching from plan to plan restarts your 30 day plan
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SlingPlayer Mobile Updated Allows Streaming Over 3G

Available In: App Store       Price: $29.99  

##ICON_NAME## SlingPlayer Mobile, an application that allows you to “watch and control your home TV and DVR on your iPhone or iPod touch,” was updated today to version 1.2. The update does one thing, it adds the long awaited feature of streaming over 3G! YAY! Some of you probably already have this feature using a hack however, those unjailbroken folks are now able to stream over 3G as well!

SlingPlayer Mobile
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Mophie Marketplace Case for iPhone 3G & 3GS

##ICON_NAME## Mophie has announced yet another iPhone case that is more than just a case. This case has a credit card magnetic strip reader at the bottom. It works with their app in the app store to read credit cards. The case is made of a nice grippy rubber and can be charged and synced through the micro USB port. Again, this case has no release date and no price listed on their website. This app would be great for vendors at flee markets, farmers markets and events. Unlike their FLO TV case and other battery cases, this case does not have an extra battery.
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TomTom Car Kit Finally Available – Sort Of

##ICON_NAME## Ok, we have been doing this TomTom Car Kit thing for almost two months now, but it seems that they might finally be getting down to business… sort of. The TomTom Car Kit is now displayed on both the Apple Store and TomTom’s website however, there are a few catches.

First, the price now seems to be $119.95 instead of the announced price of $99.99. Second, the Apple Store says that the product is, “Currently Unavailable” and TomTom’s website says that it is, “Currently not available through” So, although it seems to be “ready”, they obviously are not shipping yet.

Basically, they have already delayed the Kit once so instead of delaying it again (missing their October deadline) and looking really bad, they have put the item up so it looks available when really… it’s not.
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MMS Now Active on iPhone 3G and 3GS (AT&T)

##ICON_NAME## Today is the day! AT&T has finally launched MMS for the iPhone! YAY! Below is the press release. To enable MMS “connect your iPhone to your computer and click “Check for Update” in iTunes. Once the update is completed, restart your iPhone by turning it off then on again. Note that iPhone OS 3.1 is required so you may need to update your software first.” [Read more…]

Refurbished iPhones Available Through AT&T – 8GB $49.00, 16GB $99.00

##ICON_NAME## AT&T has refurbished 3G iPhones available. You can get an black 8GB iPhone 3G for $49.00 (normally $99.00) and/or black and white 16GB iPhone 3G’s for $99.00 (normally $149.99). They are both $50.00 off the original price and are only available while supplies last.

In order to get the iPhone 3G at the refurbished price it requires a $30/mo data package & 2yr Service Agreement.

Check HERE for availability near you. [Read more…]

Firmware 3.1 Adds Video Editing Ability to iPhone 3G and iPod touch

##ICON_NAME## I have heard that the 3.1 firmware gives the iPhone 3G (and the iPod touch) video editing capability so, I decided to check it out. Indeed, the firmware update does allow the iPhone 3G to edit video (without jailbreaking mind you). Below is how it works. [Read more…]

TomTom App Now Available in App Store – $99.99 in US

Available In: App Store       Price: $99.99  

tomtomicon TomTom’s application has finally hit the App Store. The app is available for the US & Canada, Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand. The cost of the app varies based on which location you need it for. The US & Canada compatible version of the application is $99.99.. see the list below for additional pricing options.

The application is compatible with both the iPhone 3G and the iPhone 3GS. The app boasts turn-by-turn directions as well as many other features (see list below). Honestly, it seems to have the same functionality as a regular TomTom device. Check out the screenshots and demo videos below. [Read more…]

$79.00 & $129.00 Refurbished iPhone 3G’s

##ICON_NAME## AT&T is currently selling refurbished iPhone 3G’s on their website. You can get the 8GB iPhone 3G for $79.00 and both the black and white versions of the 16GB iPhone 3G for $129.00. These prices do require a two-year contract and they are only available as supplies last. So, if you are looking for a way to save a few bucks but still be an iPhone owner now just might be the time to buy! You can check it out HERE on AT&T’s website.

ultrasn0w Tutorial

ultrasn0w Below is a step-by-step guide on how to unlock an iPhone 3G using ultrasn0w. In order to use ultrasn0w, you must have baseband 04.26.08…which means you need to be on the 3.0 firmware. Your iPhone also must be jailbroke in order to use ultrasn0w.

Note: T-Mobile USA users should disable 3G before using ultrasn0w [Read more…]