SMS Helper Updates – Adds SMS/MMS Counter and Setting Options

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

##ICON_NAME## SMS Helper, a mod that counts the number of characters as you type a text messages, was recently updated to version 0.3, 0.3-1 and 0.3-2. The major update was 0.3 which adds a text counter and setting options.

The text counter is a new feature that counts the number of text message you have sent. The counter is based on the “standard” text length of 160 characters. Since the iPhone can send messages longer that 160 characters, the app will count any text over 160 characters as two text messages (or three, or four…). To view the text counter, just tap on the header in the stock Messages application. The counter can be manually reset from there as well. SMS and MMS are counted separately. [Read more…]

SpotSMS Updated – Adds Setting Options

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

SpotSMS SpotSMS, a mod allows the stock Spotlight Search to search within your SMS (and MMS) messages, was update to version 0.4. The update adds the predicted Settings options.

Once updated, you can go into your stock Settings application and you will see a SpotSMS option. Below is a list of the Setting options. You can get SpotSMS via the BigBoss source. [Read more…]

MMS Now Active on iPhone 3G and 3GS (AT&T)

##ICON_NAME## Today is the day! AT&T has finally launched MMS for the iPhone! YAY! Below is the press release. To enable MMS “connect your iPhone to your computer and click “Check for Update” in iTunes. Once the update is completed, restart your iPhone by turning it off then on again. Note that iPhone OS 3.1 is required so you may need to update your software first.” [Read more…]

SpotSMS Update – Copy/Paste Ability, Contact Recognition Improved, More Info About SMS

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

##ICON_NAME## SpotSMS, a mod allows the stock Spotlight Search to search within your SMS (and MMS) messages, received an update not too long ago however, the newest update to version 0.3, really polishes the mod. Below are a few of the new features and a full change log. [Read more…]

AT&T Gears Up for Launch of MMS

##ICON_NAME## AT&T is gearing up for the launch MMS that is scheduled to happen in three days (September 25th). They have started sending a text message (screenshot below) to customers that informs them of the date in which MMS will be available and that while they prepare for the launch, they will be turning off the “view my message” experience. [Read more…]

SpotSMS Update – Now Displays Contact’s Name in Spotlight SMS Results

Available In: Cydia       Price: Free  

SpotSMS SpotSMS, s a mod allows the stock Spotlight Search to search within your SMS (and MMS) messages, received an update to version 0.2. The update changes the search results so that they display the contact’s name instead of just the phone number from which the text was received/sent. However, I noticed that even though most of results now display the Contact’s name, some still display the phone number. There doesn’t seem to be any specific reason that some display the name and others do not… let me know in the comments if you are experiencing the same thing. [Read more…]

AIS Mentioned on MacBreak Weekly

Apple iPhone SchoolA few days ago I got a few messages that we were mentioned on MacBreak weekly about our article explaining how to get MMS on the iPhone early. It’s pretty funny because they all rip on MMS and how no one uses it. Here’s a clip from the show. You can see the whole thing here.

The Truth About AT&T, MMS & The iPhone

AT&TOk, I can’t take it anymore. I’ve got to rant on this whole early MMS coverage by all the media out there. AT&T is not officially releasing MMS early. I’ll try to explain it all.

AT&T blocked MMS on the iPhone when firmware 3.0 was available from Apple. Firmware 3.0 has always supported MMS, that’s why when we had the 3.0 Beta we have screenshots showing how MMS worked, but the messages would never go through because AT&T had it blocked by entering an “opt-out” code. Not to mention many other carriers through out the world started supporting MMS when 3.0 was released when AT&T did not.

AT&T has recently announced that they would finally be releasing MMS to the iPhone on Sept 25th, 2009. How will they do this? First, AT&T needs to remove all the opt-out codes they added to accounts to block MMS when 3.0 was released. This is rumored to be part of the reason of the delay in MMS, but it’s also because the iPhone is a heavy bandwidth device and AT&T needed time to upgrade it’s network to handle the addition of MMS. Next Apple will push a carrier update from AT&T to iTunes. This is not a normal firmware update. Once you update, you will see the little camera in your text messaging and will be able to send pictures along with video, contacts and map locations.

Now the question is, how are people getting this early? Simple, they are getting the code early, running iTunes is a mode designed more for Apple engineers than the average user, and uploading it to their iPhone. But, that’s not all that it takes. AT&T still has to remove the opt-out code on your account. That’s why some people can run the hack and still not have MMS. There is nothing you can do but wait for AT&T to get to your account and remove the code. If you want to know how to get the code early and update your iPhone’s carrier file, check out this article I recently wrote about it. [Read more…]

How to Enable MMS (picture messaging) on Your iPhone (AT&T) [UPDATED x2]

UPDATE: The original carrier file v5.0 I had was not allowing Visual Voicemail for some people. I have updated the link below to a v5.0 that allows you to edit your settings and allows both Visual Voicemail & MMS to work. See the guide below for updates. (I’ve added steps 9 & 10.)

If you want to revert back to the carrier file 4.0 (no MMS) you may download here.

MessagesOk, I’m super excited that I got this to work. I really think it has to with AT&T allowing it to work by removing the opt-out codes (the code AT&T put in to block MMS when firmware 3.0 came out). That’s why I think it took a few days for mine to work after doing what I’m about to show you. It’s really really easy. I’m running an iPhone 3GS, jailbroken, not unlocked, on firmware 3.0.1. Your iPhone does not need to be jailbroken for this to work and I have linked to the file needed for firmware 3.1. Here’s how I did it:

PC/Windows Instructions

1. Download this carrier update file (v5.0) if you are running iPhone firmware 3.0 or 3.0.1 (it might work with lower firmware but I haven’t confirmed it.) If you are on the new 3.1, download here (v5.1).
2. Close iTunes.
3. Click Start > Run > type:cmd then press enter. Run this command: “C:\Program Files\iTunes\iTunes.exe” /setPrefInt carrier-testing 1
4. Open iTunes.
5. Hold the shift key while clicking update under your iPhone in iTunes.
6. Change the file type to “iPhone Carrier Configuration files” by clicking in the the bottom right corner and switching to *.ipcc.
7. Find the file of the carrier update you just saved to your computer in step 1, select it and click open.
8. You iPhone is now updated. You may have MMS right away if AT&T has removed your opt-out code but mine took a few days.
9. To allow for Visual Voicemail to work on firmware 3.0 & 3.0.1 using carrier file v5.0, go to your Settings app > General > Network > Cellular Data Network > and under Visual Voicemail change wap.cingular to acds.voicemail
10. Double check your MMS settings below the Visual Voicemail settings above to match this (do not enter anything in blank fields):
APN: wap.cingular
MMS Proxy:
MMS Max Message Size: 614400

NOTE: If you are on EDGE it will take a while for the image to send. If AT&T hasn’t removed the opt-out code on your account yet, you will get a red exclamation point next to the message.

[Read more…]

Friday Night Movie Night: AT&T Tries To Explain Why MMS Took So Long

AT&TOk, I have A LOT to say about all of this, so here goes. First, I’ve officially created a #fail category for our website. AT&T seems to continue to fail so much that I thought we needed the category to keep track of it all. Next, I really need to rant about the AT&T “blogging” guy. It’s really sad that they give him any kind of “tech” title. He’s is the epitome of what tech guys do not want to be. I really think that whoever hired him thought that he was such a “nerd” that he would relate to all the iPhone “techie” people.

I mean seriously, if you had some real tech guy like, Kevin Rose, or someone “normal” sit down and say, “Look, we’re sorry that we’re so far behind. The iPhone really just uses way more bandwidth than other devices and it caught us off guard. We’re working really hard to get it right, and when we do, we’re gonna get you tethering too. And since we’re slacking, we’re gonna give you the first 6 months of tethering for free. And we’re sorry we said end of summer. We missed it by a few days, our bad…”, we’d all probably be kewl with AT&T. That all said, we’d actually be kewl with them if they actually had MMS back when the iPhone first launched. As you all already know, most free phones even come with MMS. I’m on my 3rd iPhone, the iPhone 3GS, for sure the more advanced phone EVER and I can’t text someone a picture.

And tethering! My crappy old black and white screened Palm used to tether to my laptop via serial cable 8 years ago! Since I’m on a very long rant, may I add that I have no 3G in my area but I still pay the upgraded $30 data fee. It used to be $20 with the 1st Gen iPhone. An AT&T rep told me the increased fee was because of GPS. FYI: GPS is ran by the US Military. It’s free. That’s why you can buy a TomTom and have no monthly fees. To those saying it’s because of AGPS (assisted by cell towers), baloney! Also the network is now so bad in my area that I guarantee it’s worse than dial-up and I pretty much can’t use it. Thankfully I have wireless most places.

Ok, I think I’m done… So now for the video that got me going on all of this: [Read more…]

AT&T to Launch iPhone MMS on September 25th!

##ICON_NAME## Finally, AT&T has released an actual date on when we will see MMS for the iPhone. AT&T plans to roll out MMS for iPhone 3G and 3GS customers on September 25th! The update will be enabled through a software update on September 25th! YAY for September 25th!

Though, you will notice that the Press Release says nothing about tethering… grrrrr. View full press release below.

Press Release:

We know many of our iPhone customers are eager for an update on our rollout schedule for Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS). We’ve been working for the past several months to prepare our systems and network to ensure the best possible experience with MMS when it launches – and that launch date is: September 25 for iPhone 3G and 3GS customers. MMS will be enabled through a software update on that day.

We know that iPhone users will embrace MMS. The unique capabilities and high usage of the iPhone’s multimedia capabilities required us to work on our network MMS architecture to carry the expected record volumes of MMS traffic and ensure an excellent experience from Day One. We appreciate your patience as we work toward that end.

We’re riding the leading edge of smartphone growth that’s resulted in an explosion of traffic over the AT&T network. Wireless use on our network has grown an average of 350 percent year-over-year for the past two years, and is projected to continue at a rapid pace in 2009 and beyond. The volume of smartphone data traffic the AT&T network is handling is unmatched in the wireless industry. We want you to know that we’re working relentlessly to innovate and invest in our network to anticipate this growth in usage and to stay ahead of the anticipated growth in data demand, new devices and applications for years to come.

We thank you for your business and look forward to keeping you updated on our initiatives.

AT&T Answers Consumer Questions

##ICON_NAME## AT&T recently posted a link to a PDF on Twitter. The PDF attempts to answer the numerous questions that AT&T customer have regarding the iPhone 3GS. Below are a few of the Q&A from the PDF. To view the entire PDF, check out THIS link. [Read more…]

Firmware 3.0 Preview: Messages

##ICON_NAME##One of the biggest changes to firmware 3.0 is the app name change from “Text” to “Messages”. The icon was also changed, now with a blank chat bubble where before it had the letters SMS. Of course SMS stands for Short Message Service, which is only texting, but now Messages send pictures, contacts & current location. The icon, along with a few others like the Phone and iPod icons, have a new style shading to them. See the icon at the beginning of this post to see what I mean. [Read more…]

MMS App from WIT Software

Available In: App Store       Price: Free  

witWIT Software has announced a full MMS application for the iPhone. The catch is it’s only available to the Portuguese App Store right now. They plan to get it in more places but we’ll see how Apple handles that. Since we can’t test it, we have the press release, a demo video and some screenshots! [Read more…]

Picture Messaging (MMS) Workaround

TextAs most everyone knows, one of the biggest downfalls of the iPhone is the missing picture messaging. I was reading through our forum and zachdrago had written how to send MMS or picture messages to AT&T users. I have done this before with Verizon but I thought it would be kewl to list all the services that allow for this feature. Basically the way it works is you put the person’s phone number before whatever domain name that company uses for picture or text messaging.

zachdrago’s instructions:

1) choose the picture you want to send, and hit “email photo.” 2) in the “to:” field type the person’s cell phone number followed by now send, it’s that simple. EX:

I’ll get a list started and as you let me know in the comments, I’ll add it to the list. Thanks zachdrago! Here’s the ones I know: [Read more…]